I prefer one with skin, yes. Color doesn't matter. As I'm Irish and have very typical fair skin, most everyone is darker than me anyway.
2006-12-07 07:20:25
answer #1
answered by Erin 7
i visit talk from a generic stand aspect about this. i'm a "darkish-skinned Blackie" and that i'm no longer desirous to mate with any race i'm desirous to mate with the guy i hit upon alluring and epidermis colour frequently takes a decrease back seat to different features. (e.g) How a lot i'm getting alongside with the guy do they make me snicker each and each and every of the cliche issues human beings like in a accessible "mate". And to be quite worry-free no offense meant i do not discover white women human beings quite alluring some are wonderful yet i'm no longer "desirous to get me a white lady" as you insinuate. If I ensue to love one so be it yet when I do opt for to "mate" which includes her it certainly is definitely no longer because she's melanin poor. I mean i have got here upon someone of yet another race alluring at one aspect or yet another and if someone unearths ONE race alluring i don't believe of that tunnel creative and prescient is common (My opinion) having a decision and being unique is two quite some issues. and also you're precise your anger won't be able to conceal the shown truth that you're racist. it really is extra perfect to admit it than attempt to conceal it because it makes you look like a racist and a dumbass particularly than only a racist.
2016-11-24 21:21:14
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I don't care about looks or skin color . I just want to be cared for, treated with respect, and enjoying being with him. The most beautiful skin in the world does not make a good person; it is what is on the inside. When you choose someone for looks you do nothing but cheapen yourself.
2006-12-07 06:47:50
answer #3
answered by leaving.florida 3
Black is beautiful. But I think you need to look more at the entire package, instead of just at a person's complexion. I don't necessarily think that darker skin is not cute, but rather the person's other physical features help to determine whether a person is cute or not. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
2006-12-07 06:38:07
answer #4
answered by qtpie831 4
Selecting a mate based on skin color is shallow.
Peel off the skin and we all look exactly the same.
Think about that.
2006-12-07 06:38:56
answer #5
answered by alwaysbombed 5
Color isn't really that important, but if I had to say what I like, it's just as long as her skin color is consistent (no farmer tans).
Besides, people can be beautiful without showing skin...
2006-12-07 06:51:57
answer #6
answered by V9 2
I personally have a habit of not being shallow. It's all about thoughts, not skin, not faces, just brains. I <3 grey matter.
2006-12-07 06:39:18
answer #7
answered by Lilium 2
hmmm I think thats not mature thinking....the colour is just the outside who cares what kinda colour someone have??? the most important is that the person have a good heart and is kind and have something in their brain....
You cant judge the book by its cover...read the inside.....
And I love all my friends doesnt matter if they are dark black, lightskinned black, white , latinos, korean....they are all worth the most to me...
2006-12-07 06:39:39
answer #8
answered by sofiaa_k 2
I prefer a dark skinned mate, I am white and am seeing a spanish woman...mmmmmm.....she is great!
2006-12-07 06:36:49
answer #9
answered by kezee 1
Yeah I used to like lightskinned more, 'till I met my boyfriend... he's kinda dark, but he's so cute!
2006-12-07 06:38:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous