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i have really thick glasses (my eyes are Horrible!! i'm practically blind w/o glasses or contacts)...but contacts make my eyes dry so i only wear them when i go out w/ friends and stuff. what kind of glass frame would be good to camoflauge thickness? currently i have ugly betty style glasses, the thick reddish color frame (they are COACH brand), but i guess the thickness of the glasses are very obvious still. what can i dooooooooo?

2006-12-07 06:29:14 · 5 answers · asked by sasmallworld 6 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

5 answers

they make lenses that are made particulary for this problem - it costs extra though, but depending on truly how bad your eyes are, this should mask the thickness at least a little. i'd recommend glasses with thicker frames - those are very in style too - plastic, dark-rimmed glasses. also, for the dry contact problem, you should try acuvue advance with hydraclear. my sister LOVES them!

2006-12-07 06:45:43 · answer #1 · answered by mrodrx 4 · 0 1

Is it not possible to request specially made thin lenses for your glasses? They are a little pricier but can be worth it. I, too, have horrible eyesight, but I did get thin lenses (my optician even cut me a deal because I ordered such expensive frames).

Thicker, plastic rectangular frames are en vogue right now. My frames are made by Precision in Denmark. They were expensive--about $200--but worth it considering I'm going to keep them for the next 10 years. They are very stylish, artsy frames. The people at your eye doctor's office should be able to show you some models. I can't find a Web site for them, else I would include it. But good luck finding something you like.

2006-12-07 14:40:37 · answer #2 · answered by Come on in, the water's lovely 5 · 0 0

Go with a big frame that will suit your face. I think you have hiperopia because you say they are thick, sadly, the thickness tends to be in the middle so, the bigger the frame, the less thick the glass seems to be.

2006-12-07 14:43:10 · answer #3 · answered by Marie 2 · 0 0

Enjoy your self...


2014-05-15 10:54:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rimless glasses. I just got them and the edges that you normally have in your site field are gone. I have been just blown away. Plus they don't weigh as much and to me are similar to having contacts in as I said because there is no edge around them.

I'll never switch.

2006-12-07 14:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by ÐIESEŁ ÐUB 6 · 0 0

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