Well - If you find a good place to buy ladies shoes for big feet let me know. My poor sister wears a MENS size 13! She had to wear flip flops to her wedding!
2006-12-07 06:22:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, it does depend on how bold you are. If you are okay with doing it in person, then any of the stores that were suggested earlier will be a good place to go. If you are still shy, then you can try the internet. Lew Magum has some nice things on the web-site, as does newport news. If you want something that is specficically tailored as women's clothes to fit a man's body, you can try suddenly fem, a site that sells crossdresser's clothing. Few key points, don't get 3/4 sleeve, or a square neckline on your blouses (minimize the broader shoulders.) Get skirts with some flow, and don't go with pencil skirts if you have a small butt (or pad, of course). And as for breast size, go proportional, but not overtly large (which can draw attention). Good luck and have fun, I'm sure you are beautiful :)
2016-05-23 04:02:20
answer #2
answered by ? 4
What kind of help would you like? I have an unusual situation, in that I used to be very large and now I'm normal. What this means is that I know about two things:
1. Dressing yourself by shopping plus size store (you may be plus size as a man)
2. How to create a wardrobe out of nothing after gastric bypass surgery.
Good Luck
2006-12-07 06:15:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ihatehippies, get out.
barbaracdco, I'm in the same boat.
Depends on your height and dimensions, really. If you're really tall (like me, 6'2") then it can be extremely difficult.
It also depends on your age, and how you want to look. I prefer girls' clothes rather than women's, which means you can wear a lot more - because girls' clothes don't need to look especially elegant.
I would suggest hiding your legs (which for most of us look rather masculine) by wearing tights or longsocks. A skirt over trousers looks good. I'm not so fond on dresses, but I guess that's up to you.
Not very good at fashion tips myself, but it's good to know I'm not on my own here.
2006-12-07 06:22:39
answer #4
answered by Lilium 2
since i am a MTF TGirl, i can recommend 3 places to you. the first and by far the best is glamourboutique.com. i dont know where you live but they have 3 locations in the USA. auburn, mass., las vegas (which is where i live and shop), and LA.
the 2nd is called cross-dress.com. they are located in sunrise, fla. (near ft. lauderdale). i know the owners and they are superb people for the TS/TG/CD community.
the 3rd is called suddenlyfem.com. they are pennsylvania and are good to deal with as well.
other places to shop are victorias secret, dillards, macy's and on the east coast (especially in South Carolina) belk.
2006-12-07 14:20:46
answer #5
answered by newmichelle1959 3
If you are in the NYC area, I remembered that Patricia Field's has clothing and shoes for someone like you. Perhaps, you should also try shopping online specifically for crossdressing wear.
Happy shopping!
2006-12-07 06:38:38
answer #6
answered by Tammy R 2
Some stores and boutiques have great salespeople who can be alot of help. Good Luck.
2006-12-07 06:15:04
answer #7
answered by I know, I know!!!! 6
I'll help! Want to actually go shopping? Where are you?
2006-12-07 06:18:41
answer #8
answered by Kier22_2 6
i cant but many girls would love to help u
2006-12-07 18:10:30
answer #9
answered by john 7
Start praying, because you are going to hell.
But other than that, why not just start dressing like a man? Why would any guy want to be a woman??
2006-12-07 06:15:16
answer #10
answered by i hate hippies but love my Jesus 4