Yes, red and yellow light will still make orange light. The color wheel will predict the result of most any color combonations. Computer monitors utilize the RGB form to combine those three primaries in various combonations to reproduce images, while printers utilize the CMYK form to combine, Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black in a similar way to reproduce what you see on your monitor on a piece of paper.
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2006-12-07 05:59:19
answer #1
answered by somewherein72 4
Computer monitors don't mix the colors, they just display them. Young, Helmholtz and others showed that you can create the perception of any color with only three monochromatic light sources. The key here is perception. See the reference for how the eye's light sensors work. They are easy to fool.
There's nothing special about the 'primary' colors. You can pick any three, but you don't want them really close to each other in the spectrum, since the eye would have a harder time distinguishing among them. RGB was chosen because it is a fairly close match to the peaks of the cone sensitivity curves.
2006-12-07 06:56:54
answer #2
answered by Frank N 7
Yes, however, red/green/blue were chosen because all other colours can be made by mixing these three. They are called "primary" colours. Yellow is a mixture of red and green, which means that using red and yellow you would get orange, but you could never mix red and yellow to create blue or green.
2006-12-07 06:01:39
answer #3
answered by computerguy103 6
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well since you are in the wine category i assume you mean wine. I image you would get two tasting wines combined and it would look a lighter shade of red. I dont see why you would want to do this. unless you had two bad tasting cheap wines and somehow combining them makes it taste better. I guess you like experimenting with wine mixed drinks
2016-04-02 04:02:52
answer #4
answered by ? 4
You can mix light, that is actually how modern color displays work. However, mixing light works a bit differently than mixing paint. You dont necessarily get the same colors that you do when mixing paint. The reason for this is that when you mix paints, you "subtract" color, while when you mix lights, you are "adding" color.
2006-12-07 05:59:06
answer #5
answered by heartsensei 4
Red and yellow light do not make orange.
You second responder was correct.
2006-12-07 06:12:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes they can.
2006-12-07 05:56:07
answer #7
answered by tictic242 2