Dont remember where i heard this, but it worked for my daughter:
Buy stickers with some kids characters or funny faces on them. At diaper change time lay your child down and stick one sticker on the back of each of their hands. Then get to work. By the time they get them off you should have a successful diaper change.
Good Luck!
2006-12-07 05:02:58
answer #1
answered by camoprincess32 4
My son is 15 months and does the same thing. It's very normal and not much you can do. Sometimes I have to lay him on the floor, and hold his legs down with my knees and his arms with one hand, and take the diaper off, etc with the other hand!!!
But here's a tip: Try changing the diaper right after nap-time, when they are still in that "just woke up" mood, that is, if he wakes up in a good mood like mine. Sometimes toys work. You could also have a bottle of water there for him to suck on. My son loves water. If not water, then a little juice. Just a few sips of juice while he gets his diaper changed won't hurt him.
2006-12-07 04:47:10
answer #2
answered by Fashionista 2
Haha - I can relate! I'm going through the same thing. I feel like it's his way of exerting his independant nature or personality.
"I don't want to lay still right now. I want to play" or "Don't hold me down. I'm my own person". Hhhmm what to do?
I have tried tickles and relaxing my little one with soft eye contact. I speak to him about changing his wet diaper etc before doing it. Stressing the words "wet" and "diaper". Using an asking tone - Would you like your diaper changed? This has actually seemed to help. It's as though he gets the idea that somehow what I'm doing will benefit him rather than be a temporary exertion of authority ie, "I'm changing your diaper now and stop wiggling!" . I find it works even better when I'm calm, not rushed and we are both relaxed while I'm doing it. Doing it slowly rather than heavy handedly so to speak? I hope this helps a little...they are quite the wiggleworms aren't they!
2006-12-07 05:23:51
answer #3
answered by newbiemummy 1
Oh ya, been there done that. One of my nephews hated to be changed so bad, my sister-in-law and I often had to spank him to settle him down before changing him. Some kids hate being changed while others seem to not be bothered by it.
One thing I would do with my nephew was pull his rubber pants down around his ankles and leave them there while I changed his diapers. That way he could only kick his little legs back and forth as far as the rubber pants would allow his legs to go. It helped keep him more still.
Something else you could try is to be strict come change time. Let the child know that he or she will be spanked if they do not behave, while getting their diapers changed.
2006-12-07 10:18:47
answer #4
answered by Frugalmom 4
i ought to play with him for type of 5 minutes previously you somewhat replace him. Get him satisfied and smiling and then replace him. virtually make it stupid and a recreation! in case you do fabric diapers, ask him the colour of his diapers or sing a calming music each and every diaper replace. toddlers love consistency.
2016-11-30 06:34:30
answer #5
answered by ? 4
make him involved somehow, have him hold the new diaper or the wipes or cream. Sing songs, get him a speical "diaper change" only toy. Good Luck
2006-12-07 04:26:05
answer #6
answered by treecesherry 3
i totally feel for you, my daughter does the same thing. kicking and screaming when i change her diaper. what i do is i have a special toy that she can only play with while getting her diaper changed, it kind of distracts her.
2006-12-07 05:54:06
answer #7
answered by krystal 6
I sniff there feet and say pugh!1 as I changing the diaper also I put a wipy on there head for a quick distraction, my daughter is 18 months old now and from me putting the wipy on her head she has learned to wipe her face and nose now when I chasnge her diaper, I still sniff her feet because she thinks it's funny!!
2006-12-07 04:15:19
answer #8
answered by Jody 6
my son was the same way. i started changing him on the floor on a changing mat. like the one from his diaper bag. i put toys with in arms reach and i also started using pampers easy ups they make them as small as size three diapers just read the weights on the packs and compare them. and no tapes. alot easier and it helps them learn how undies work. my son loved them
2006-12-07 04:22:35
answer #9
answered by kleighs mommy 7
Hi my son did the same thing. I found that getting a wipe warmer can help. The wipes are so cold that it bothers the kids. Try to change him somewhere else.He already know when you put him on the table he's about to get his diaper changed. try that
2006-12-07 04:47:39
answer #10
answered by sailboat561 1