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A huge thing that separates humans from other animals is we know we will die. How do you live with it though? Bassically I have come to terms with death and an understanding that everything that lives must die, it's natures way.

2006-12-06 23:33:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

23 answers

It is very similar to live without remembering the time before we were born. At the "both ends of life", birth and death, there is a big mystery beyond and somehow we get used to it. I think we are programmed that way-to accept it and to be able to continue our life - if you look at the people who take life so serious as if they are never going to day, you will see how well this program is working :) - There is a branch in philisophy called "Philosophy of Death" which discuss the same question you asked. You should check it, there are some deep and good conversations about it.

2006-12-06 23:43:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

With a blank face and an open mind. I'm only human, relatively young as we go, so I'm not especially fussed with that. I believe that the real thought of death has never really dawned on me, I don't have an ideology of living life to it's fullest, yet i don't believe in a definite afterlife to invest in.
I really should embrace life and the many endorphins my brain can release. However, this can and must go to a certain extent. Sure, death is coming, but experiencing life to much can only bring it closer. No work, all play will leave you with no money, risking death for the adrenalin rush one too many times can result in bad consequences and drug use can result in turmoil.

2006-12-06 23:44:06 · answer #2 · answered by Mercenary Poet 2 · 1 0

you live with it by taking one day at a time and not dwelling on the fact that some day you and everyone you know will die if you dwell on it then you might as well not live because you will live your life in a depression of sorts if people accually thought about the fact that yes someday they will die then alot of people would live loveless lifes because they wouldnt want to put the other person thru the pain of loss and alot of people dont think that they ever will die humans for the most part would rather believe that it wont happen to them although if you did sit down and think about it they would know that they are someday going to die

2006-12-06 23:39:31 · answer #3 · answered by jazieyez 2 · 0 0

No offense, but coming to terms with death seems a bit presumptuous, though perhaps a better way to ENJOY a LIFE, than dwelling on the imminent and obvious.

I very much LIVE, because I'm ALIVE, and not knowing the moment of my death I wish to make every LIVING moment, a lifetime.

Accepting the fact that death is obvious, doesn't promise that one will enjoy what life is available to them.

The act of enjoying ones life is in exploring it, savoring, sharing it, and learning through it, not dwelling on any manner of "count down clock"

Steven Wolf

2006-12-07 00:05:37 · answer #4 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 1 0

what other choice do you have?.... if it is a big issue to you then that means death probably scares you... if you dont live with the knowledge then only other choice is to die ... but that would be what your so scared of in the first place so i suppose you would block the thought a majority of the time while you spend your life living.... occasionally when i think about i have no control over my death someday i have a little panic attack..... then i get back to living ..... because what other choice do i have?... i cant change the fact that i am going to die someday

2006-12-07 01:07:38 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you live every day as if it were your last, making the most of even the "little" things, you don't need to worry. If I were told I only have days to live, I would not change much. I try to enjoy everything and blow off the bad stuff. Having faith in God is what gets me through it all. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again for me and you. He knew he had to go through this and look how he lived.

2006-12-07 00:08:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As you point out you can not live without dieing, but you have important work do during life, that is to fulfill in your own way the flowering of your spirit so that you may return to God as a spiritual being that is a wiser, kinder, more loving and in all other ways a closer representation of God who made us in his/her image. Death is a freeing of the spirit and opens up new ways that we can be of help to our God, our family and our whole community of souls. I look forward to each day that I live but I also look forward to being reunited with God and to be of greater service. Today is enlightenment plus exactly 5 years for me. Each day brings a more complete appreciation of the whole experience, the purpose of it and my role. I thank the Holy Mother for her Grace, wisdom and understanding and I thank all of you for the help you have been to me on this path.

2006-12-07 00:23:26 · answer #7 · answered by b_steeley 6 · 0 0

ok. I think it's important to realize that some day you'll die. But it's no point worrying when this will happen. I believe you must enjoy life as it is and not ask too many questions... :)

2006-12-06 23:50:53 · answer #8 · answered by alexandra s 2 · 0 0

Live today like there will always be tomorrow but never again a day like today. You might think that life is useless 'cause we're going to die someday anyway. But just think, it would all be even more useless if you lived it like it was useless.

2006-12-07 01:40:53 · answer #9 · answered by hannah 2 · 0 0

Since no one knows when we will die, the fact that one day we have to die loses its sting on our life. The certainty of death is unable to paralyse us because of the uncertainty of the time of occurence ....... the eternal hope is that it is still far off in future!

2006-12-07 00:12:38 · answer #10 · answered by small 7 · 0 0

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