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I am wondering for those who do believe in abortion. When is a fetus considered a baby to you? Also do you actually know what they do to perform an abortion? What are your overall feelings about abortions?

* I am just asking this, as my college English class had to write research papers, and there was one pro-choice, and one pro-life. Just trying to see what others think. I personally am pro-life. What to see the views from the other side. Not trying to offend others, just get information.

2006-12-06 08:39:17 · 24 answers · asked by mke 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

* To add to some of the comments, where I was not trying to have to defend or debate against anymore.. but anyways..

How can a baby not be human, when 2 humans gave what it needed to be concieved.
If a fetus is not yet a baby until it is born, can it actually survive without the same nurture, and feeding as it was inside. It is still not able to fend for itself in anyway. Yet if a mother were to stop nurturing the baby and feeding him he would die, which would be murder.

2006-12-06 10:55:22 · update #1

*** Lastly I am not trying to start a fight.

This is for my class as we are trying to see what people really think.

Personally I am against abortions, but I don't make choices for other people. I am not the one who has to live with the choices. It just scares me on how many teenages go and have sex, then have abortions. Scarier when you think of how it will be when your children grow up, what are they going to be taught?

Thanks for all the answers.

2006-12-06 11:05:26 · update #2

If you are extremely bothered or taken by this question noone is forced to answer it. This will help in our overall survery for class.

2006-12-06 11:08:24 · update #3

24 answers

i think its wrong in pretty much any circumstance to kill a baby. I don't understand how u can just murder ur own child. i mean i understand if u don't want it but at least have the baby and put it up for adoption. its rele not all that hard

2006-12-06 08:41:53 · answer #1 · answered by 49er fan 2 · 0 3

I guess I think of a fetus as a baby when it looks more like a human, instead of looking like a translucent fish or something. You know, when there are distinct arms and legs and you can see fingers on the hands etc.

Before that stage, I don't think of it as a baby.

I am pretty clued up on the process of abortion. It sounds like a very traumatic decision to make and a traumatic process to go through.
I think most women don't take this decision lightly, although there are some who are thoughtless and get an abortion without much thought, but those women are the minority I think.

I don't know if I could do it or not. I have never been pregnant. If I got pregnant now I would definitely have the baby, but I am 33, in a committed relationship and WANT a child.
I am pro choice though.
There are women who simply will not make a good parent, who after birth would neglect or abuse the child or ingest so many drugs when they are pregnant that the child would be physically and mentally damaged, so in my opinion in these cases, it is kinder to the child not to be born.

I think Abortion is done WAY too much and that women need to get their sh!t together and take contraception much more seriously.
I do wish more people adopted out. I think maybe I can't get pregnant, and I would LOVE to adopt.
But I understand a woman choosing abortion over adoption.
If I was in a situation where I could not RAISE a child myself, I'm positive I could NOT go through 9 months of pregnancy, give birth and then give my child away. That would break my heart, more than abortion I think.

Off the topic but I get really upset that some parents abuse their children and yet they are still allowed to be parents.
I do think, that some people should not be allowed to be parents, because it is so destructive for the child, so heart wrenching for them to grow up unloved and abused, and so sad when a child ends up dead from a beating from their parents.
In my country, child abuse and deaths are in the paper often, it is so awful to see.

Great question, hope you find the answers you are looking for

2006-12-06 16:55:13 · answer #2 · answered by Ambience 3 · 0 0

1. I don't "believe in abortion", as you put it. I believe in the woman's right to choose. Choosing to abort what could be your future child is not a simple one. I do not think that this choice has anything to do with comfort. The vast majority of abortion cases are not lightly taken decisions. It is hard to give a general situation when abortion is "OK" and when it is not. This has to be considered from situation to situation.

2. I agree with the person above who said that a fetus can be called a baby when it can survive outside a mother's womb. Today I think the limit has been set to 24 weeks (but I am not sure). At this point the baby can survive, albeit with severe brain damages and underdeveloped lungs etc.

3. Abortion is when the fetus and the placenta (?) is expelled from the womb. Early on in the pregnancy this can be achieved by tablets (hormones) but later on it has to be done by physically scraping the blood-filled walls and fetus away.

4. My general feeling about abortion is that it most probably is a tragic event for the people involved and that society should not point fingers. I think that the woman/couple should be informed with options and then have impartial support in deciding what course of action to take. Throwing guilt and sitting on high horses does not help anyone.

5. No, I have never undergone abortion myself, even though I thought about it in a what-if situation when I was a little younger, in a very unsettling personal place and with my period delayed.

2006-12-06 17:02:59 · answer #3 · answered by Nimooka 1 · 0 0

A fetus is not considered a baby to me until the last trimester. Or when it can survive outside of the mothers womb. Depending on the stage of pregnancy there are different methods to preform an abortion. Whether it is an accident or on purpose an abortion is the loss off a fertilized egg. A miscarriage is also considered an abortion.
My overall feelings. I think it is the choice of the woman who is carrying the pregnancy. Personally i would not get an abortion. But i think in the cases of Rape, potential harm to the mother and severe birth defects, it is morally right to terminate a pregnancy. I personally think it is wrong to use it as a form of birth control. If a woman does not think she is capable of raising a child i think it is her every right to get an abortion. This is the one question i ask every person who is pro-life. If you or your wife/mother/sister/child was raped and became pregnant, would you have a problem aborting the pregnancy? I have not heard a yes out of a pro-life person to this day. If i ever do, i would believe them to be lying just to support their cause.

2006-12-06 16:57:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Personaly I would never get an abortion unless I was raped. I think that women in special circumstances should have the right to choose whether they want to carry unitl term. Special circusmtances being too young and immature and dependent on their own parents still, rape obviously, child abuse, an abusive partner, those taking the neccessary precautions like birth control and sickness. But if an adult women just accidently got pregnant...it is her right to choose but I feel that the adoption programs have improved so much, at least in canada, that abortion shouldn't be an option. I have had several friends that use abortion like birth control and that is just irresponsible and disgusting. And the abortion process is just horrific...they actually rip the limbs from the fetus first and then pull the body out. Life is life, a fetus has a heart beat therefor it is alive.

2006-12-06 16:53:57 · answer #5 · answered by jjewel 3 · 0 0

It is, of course, a controversial question. A fetus is obviously a human being from the moment of conception on. But that cannot give it unlimited rights as against those of the mother, who will have to ingest an additional 50,000 calories to bring the fetus to term, as well as care for the child for years afterwards. Clearly, a compromise is necessary, and that laid down in Roe v. Wade was reasonable at the time -- and still is. Once a baby is born alive, it should (and does) have all the rights pertaining to a human being, but before that, the issue is murkier.

2006-12-06 16:53:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

To me, a baby is a baby when it is developed enough to be able to survive outside the mother without dying. I think abortions are necessary in some situations. I think the best case senario would be having the baby born and having someone to take care of it and nurture it. Of course in reality that doesn't always happen, especially in cases of prostitution, drug users, young teenages.. ect.. I think it is MUCH more cruel to bring a life into the world where it doesn't have an opportunity to live to its full potential.

2006-12-06 16:45:29 · answer #7 · answered by maggielynn 3 · 2 0

I had an abortion and have since ( years later) had a child-its changed my view to believe fetuses are babies.I still support abortion but couldnt do it again personally-I also dont regret mine as I know the child would have suffered having me as a mother at that time in my life-I wasnt responsible and had lots of anger which I think I wouldve taken out on the kid..being a mother is hard work but if your not ready for it-it shouldnt be taken upon out of duty or obligation.as for the operation it is a sort of vaccuum hose which sucks the impregnated egg right out

2006-12-06 16:45:25 · answer #8 · answered by cassiepiehoney 6 · 2 0

My theory has always been and will always be that until a baby can exist on the outside of the mother's womb, it is not yet a baby. A fetus cannot survive outside of the womb, therefore it is not a baby, not a human.

Hate me if you want, but that is my opinion which I am entitled too.

2006-12-06 16:42:21 · answer #9 · answered by Starla_C 7 · 3 0

I believe in a woman's right to chose. But for me its not about the woman, its about the unborn child who isn't going to get proper care. I know everyone says there are people out there who want baby, then why are there so many children in foster care system, where no one will adopt them. Why are we so adamant to bring children into this world who are going to be abuse and neglected what kinda of life sentence is that. They will forever have to live with the pain and aftermath of not being loved and cared for properly. In a perfect society only responsible, caring adults would have children but here where there is the freedom to have sex with anyone you want we have to think of the well being of a child who might be born into a terrible situation.

2006-12-06 16:45:38 · answer #10 · answered by Dizzy 2 · 2 1

I believe a "fetus" IS a baby, because if allowed to grow, it most likely would live.

There are many types of abortion, the worse being partial birth. I don't want to know the details however.

I am pro choice in the cases of rape, incest, or if the mother or child would be seriously injured or die as a result of a full term birth.

What I hate is women who see it as a form of birth control.

2006-12-06 16:42:58 · answer #11 · answered by Dolphin lover 4 · 1 3

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