Not all men are intimidated - some find it attractive.
My best friend is 6'5 - in high school it was uncomfy for her but now at 28 she's finally settled into womanhood and many men come running.
Give it time - a mature mind will look past your height and desire to get to know you better without fear or hesitation.
2006-12-06 08:34:46
answer #1
answered by The First Lady 5
O' t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbadne9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb, t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe pat9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbo9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb. A9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb an amazon, 6', I w9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbll 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbl9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbnk off 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbnto t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbun9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbet [9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb] and f9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbnd t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbat lonely 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbollow w9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbere an fairly tall lady can l9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbve 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfburrounded with the aid of t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbo9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe w9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbo do no longer jud9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe 9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfber...t9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfbe tree9ec5fcfb9b5ed3ee55e1df9644a08dfb.
2016-10-04 23:26:03
answer #2
answered by kinjorski 4
Because men are dorks.
I think the thing about short women (like myself) is that we make even 'not so tall' men feel like they are tall and can 'protect us'.
Its machismo if anything, and it sucks because superficial things like height should not matter. Don't worry, although some men are 'afraid' of taller women, I know other guys that love them above all others. You just need to wait for either a guy that likes tall girls or a guy who likes a girl for who she is (which is a better kind of guy anyway).
Good luck, Tall Lady!
2006-12-06 08:35:33
answer #3
answered by Cinthia C 2
I am not afraid of them , but for most other men litterally its a dominace thing they like being taller it gives them a sort of non verbal psychological control, and I know everyone is going to dissagree(thats okay) most men like being taller, I am different, I love tall women!, but short is cool too!( by short I mean shorter than 6 feet which is as tall as I am
2006-12-06 08:35:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm 6', 130 lb, 48 year old female. Men are intimidated by tall women because we portray a strong, confident don't need you attitude. I find the tall guys like the little short haha women because they act helpless.
2006-12-06 08:45:15
answer #5
answered by heyitzbeki 1
They're intimidated by you. You should go for a really tall guy, but there aren't that many guys over 6'2". I'm 5'4" and shorter guys already have too much of a complex even with me. I can only imagine how insecure they'd be with someone as tall as you! (Not saying height is bad, I think it makes a person look slimmer and more statuesque)
2006-12-06 08:30:38
answer #6
answered by snowbird 2
because of society. a traditional couple makes the man seem like the stronger, TALLER mate, while the woman is SHORTER, weaker mate (which is a bunch of bull). I'm about 5'6, 5'7 and guys tell me i'm tall, so i could only imagine what you go through.
2006-12-06 14:07:46
answer #7
answered by Chakara 2
men just get that way because tall means power,i'm 5'10 1/2, and married to a man 5'5,he doesnt care about that,so not all men care
2006-12-06 08:37:49
answer #8
answered by karenbx832004 2
Because they want to be the taller one.
My friend tells me i'm lucky because I'm 5'1" and every guy I know is taller than me.
2006-12-06 08:36:07
answer #9
answered by kaymay09 4
I guess it's just more natural for girls to be shorter and the guy is taller!
2006-12-06 08:35:48
answer #10
answered by Stephanie B 2