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the shoes are nike huarache elite TB's but the question can apply to all nike shoes since theyre mostly the same. i live in the UK and i want them shoes from ebay (they dont sell these in the UK) but i dont know my size for Nike shoes cause theyre much more slimmer than most shoes. im wearing skate shoes right now which are US 10 and And1 basketball shoes which are size 10. the thing is they are the same length but i tried my friends Huarache elites and the length is considerable longer even though its the same size and i have wide feet and they just fit. would a 9.5 be much too tight for my wide feet?

2006-12-06 08:24:06 · 2 answers · asked by mojo jojo 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

2 answers

I don't know how to put this best,..

USA's shoes suck at shape. No,.. it might be the exact same width and only longer because that's how some lines of shoes are here.

If you want a Wider pair,.. try looking for " Wides". It's not as common as it should be,.. but some shoe lines have "Wides". But that is only Normal and Wide then if they have a Wide.

If you pay really really close attention with the women's shoes the "Normals" are a Width A some times >.<

Added: Another problem is a few kinds of inconsistencey with Length. Some times they count parts of a sole touching a ground as the size of a shoe in America... which makes a big deal when another company and style has high heals of the same size. Then on top of that I noticed there are charts on boxes,.. and one Line will say an 8 is a 44 in some other shoe system,.. then another shoe line will say 8 is 38. There hopefully are charts on websites for Length Conversations for Nike at the very least.

[Our Shoe companies and Shoe-aholics are Crazy. Some women wants to say they are a size 6 no matter the truth,.. or a size 3 even *rolls eyes* so that probably has been assisting in this drift in shoe sizes vetween lines.]

I found a site to help a little,...


2006-12-06 08:34:10 · answer #1 · answered by sailortinkitty 6 · 0 0

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