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I'm doing a report and I need to wear the clothes that they wear.

2006-12-06 08:22:02 · 7 answers · asked by Kayla E 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

Can you tell me someo shops that they have there in England?

2006-12-06 08:33:32 · update #1

7 answers

pretty much the same thing we do..

2006-12-06 08:24:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Atm the following its quite warmth in London yet yeah anybody is donning shorts and vests. the great vogue mess united statesgoing on are leggings with tunics or very short minidresses. Its staying gentle till eventually particularly a lot 10 and nonetheless warmth so dont %. some thing cumbersome. relies upon the position you're going, because in critical London quite some toddlers attempt to emulate Peaches Geldof and shizz so that they save at Luella Bartley and stuff, anybody contains round huge luggage too. very nearly each and every teen lady is an orange version of faux tan. bright formidable patterned clothing, and monochrome stuff is quite in... denim skirts/shorts, wedges.

2016-11-24 19:26:01 · answer #2 · answered by saleh 4 · 0 0

TOP SHOP is very popular for girl teens.

it also have some popular fashion shop such as:
FCUK, MNG, H&M, Esprit, GAP, Ted Baker, Diesel, Miss Sixty, Pepe Jeans, Evisu, Zara, Warehouse, Levi

Accessory for teens:
Top Shop, H&M, Accessorize, Swarovski, Swatch, Kipling

Not teenager's brand:
Karen Milan, Oasis, United color of Benetton, Paul Smith, Ben Sherman, La Cross,

Popular Brand name:
Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, Prada, D&G, Giorgio Armani, MUI MUI, Berburry, Mulberry, Polo, Calvin Klian, DKNY

Not popular much:
Lembretta, Bersharke, Monsoon

Hope it's useful

2006-12-06 09:05:59 · answer #3 · answered by Molly 1 · 2 1

It just mostly looks tacky. No offence. I live in Spain and the clothes here are very nice, and everytime i go to England...say Manchester and Stockport EVERYTHING is tacky. And if you want nice clothes you have to pay a lot of money for it. Sory but i don't like the English fashion.

2006-12-06 08:30:25 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Hánnàh♥ [Hysteria] 6 · 0 1

they wear clothes like American Eagle and they wear long jackets that are elegant... remember that they are probably considered the most elegant country in the world.

2006-12-06 09:05:32 · answer #5 · answered by NarniaGirl2 2 · 0 1

pink, stripy tracksuits that say "nope" across the asss lol

and the person giving all the answers saying they dress as chavs low ratings come on u know its true lmao!

2006-12-06 08:24:19 · answer #6 · answered by Melissa 2 · 0 1

they dress as chaves

2006-12-06 08:37:37 · answer #7 · answered by jon h 6 · 0 1

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