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15 answers

The comfort that families of dead GIs feel has nothing to do with Bush, or you, or me, or our opinions. They will continue to feel pride that their sons and daughters fought for freedom and served their country as they were ordered to do. Soldiers do not make policy, they follow orders. My cousin was killed in Vietnam and though it has long been acknowledged that Vietnam was a horrifying mistake, my aunt and uncle are still proud that their son did his duty as required by his government and that will never change. I served as well, though I was lucky enough to not have to go to war, having served in peacetime, right after Vietnam.

Bush's war is an obscenity for many reasons. He had a responsibility to go after Al Queda and not abandon that mission for a war in Iraq that had to be supported with manipulated intelligence. When you see soldiers interviewed on TV that are being redeployed they are very cautious with their words. The upshot almost every time is that they are still proud to serve their country, though they express confusion about why we are in Iraq very cautiously, but clearly. They aren't stupid, they do know that the reasons given for going to war in the first place were fabrications. But, they also don't wish to feel they have sacrificed lives to simply pull out, which they continually express would make them feel as though they have failed and fought for nothing.

The way soldiers feel about serving their country has a very different angle than most civilians are cognizant of. Some civilians assume they are tired of dying and being maimed over there, when actually they wish to finish what they have started instead of feeling everything they have done has been in vain. They will continue to do what they are ordered to do, and they will continue to believe that it has a good purpose. Otherwise, they and their families could never bear the burden.

2006-12-06 06:50:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't comprehend how anyone can say they died for nothing - a dictator and his regime have been taken out of power, and our soldiers are working to defend innocent people, not just in our own country. The one thing that could not comfort the GI families would be to withdraw our troops without some resolution.

2006-12-06 13:50:52 · answer #2 · answered by Adriana 4 · 2 2

I suppose you have undisputed facts on your side. I on the other hand understand most of the complexity of the issues. I have researched the issues not just the OH HEY no WMD, He's an idiot! Educate yourself, don't live in a herd of cattle all your life.

You shoot from the hip and have no clue!
Get the facts for yourself. there are spin doctors out there spinning crap all day. If you believe everything they say you are a mindless wimp and should probably move, to Mexico, then when you are tired of the crap that is going on there over their elections.Move somewhere else. I hear they are starting a camp on the moon.

2006-12-06 13:40:14 · answer #3 · answered by Uncle Red 6 · 2 3

They died in a war based on a lie, so no matter how you try to sugar coat it and say they died to remove Saddam, or because of 9/11 those things had nothing to do with why we went to war. So, they have died for something an egregious lie foisted on the American people by that sniveling coward GW.

2006-12-06 14:16:48 · answer #4 · answered by Frank R 7 · 1 1

im gonna be as nice as i can in this answer.
i have been a marine since 9-11 and i think you should ask yourself this question. what would you do if saddam bombed your home and killed your family? my best freind was killed in iraq and i was shot over there. i wake up every morning at about 2:30 am in a puddle of sweat from the nightmares. so dont you dare talk like that because if it werent for ppl like bush, you probably wouldnt be writing comments like these.

2006-12-06 13:44:28 · answer #5 · answered by whoodoggie!!!!!! 1 · 3 2

On 9/11 the terrorist killed over 3000 people in a matter of a few hours, it has been almost five years now and they have not yet killed that many soldiers. All of the soldiers have lost their lives protecting you and all the Americans. So instead of complaining, you should be thanking all the soldiers.

2006-12-06 13:41:29 · answer #6 · answered by loser 4 · 5 2

Judging by the comments on here, it seems like it should be. Maybe we should hear from some families who have lost someone over here, not jsut these kneejerk Republicans

2006-12-06 13:48:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Your question is an insult to the human race!

When people die for something they believe in, it's not "for nothing"!

You need to re-examine you own philosophical beliefs without insulting those that died, and there families. Your political thought is arrogant and is not in line with democratic value.

2006-12-06 13:39:58 · answer #8 · answered by ggraves1724 7 · 5 2

I'm from a military family and I want you to know that you are wrong on both counts.
Stop the American divisiveness. It is NOT supporting our troops.

2006-12-06 13:39:02 · answer #9 · answered by Lynn G 4 · 5 2

all our ,solders died for bush and all America,,,they are hero's and as such ,we honor them.nothing will take that away from any of them...but now its OVER,,,,all to do is get the fuuuck out,save lives by leaving,let the Iraq people fix the mess,with a religious leader or whatever rocks their boat,,,as for democracy ,,,not to work their......may god forgive us..as we tried .civilian

2006-12-06 13:40:16 · answer #10 · answered by CIVILIAN 4 · 3 3

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