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Its not letting me in the rooms

2006-12-06 03:41:15 · 3 answers · asked by sheila t 1 in Games & Recreation Card Games

3 answers

Use one or both things listed, both work depending on if its java or full lounges..TRY the bottom one 1st..
I just tryed everything was fine.But here is how i set my PC for games and the method I use to get into any game..While you need java to run yahoo games,It is not needed to open and play them. Java’s new update has glitches like small fonts,the way I found to get around them is go to start button settings, Control panel open internet options advance tab. See if you have Microsoft VM listed if so unclick the 2 java listed. Make sure JIT is checked, click apply then ok. Close. This lets msn vm launch games. This will SPEED UP game loading time.if you don’t have msn VM download it from here. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/virtualserver/default.mspx
If the game lounges are full they will not let you in under normal log on methods!
Here is an easy fast way into games. And it by-passes log in problems. Go to http://www.shove-it.com find game select lounge page you want to play. Click on file, send, desk-top short cut. Or add to your favorites. This gives you a straight link to shove it. Now click on a lounge, it will take you to yahoo games log in page. Log in, then minimize log in window while its loading. Now click the lounge link again and open the log in window back up. Your in. nice thing is you can get in any lounge or game that’s full or not. Good luck with your games.

2006-12-06 16:12:00 · answer #1 · answered by Jack's Q&* 7 · 0 0

If you cant log into chat/games it is because
Yahoo's browser has issues with SUN java as default.
Yahoo is Java dependant.
This is also the reason for the games applets not loading and some
web cam issues.
The easiest fix is to update....... windows updates.. as well as
Click this link to resolve any Java issues http://www.freecreed.com/pm.html ...
and choose what is your best option. I personally prefer to use the Virtual Machine..sun java has issues
and clean up after yourself> http://www.nhyrvana.info/spring2.html

Make sure your popup blocker is off when entering games...click options (in the lower
left corner of lounge) and choose the small tables option

2006-12-06 08:08:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

on an identical time as 2 wrongs dont make a ideal, that often happens as a results of fact they can supply it out yet no longer take it themselves. they gets over it. The Christian way could be to no longer bypass being abusive in speech or movements basically as a results of fact the different person is. in the event that they are lies basically first ask the guy to end if no longer oftentimes the fact will come out besides.

2016-10-17 21:42:56 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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