If I was you in this situation, I would let your friend tell her parents on her own good time. She'll have a lifetime of struggle being gay, so she should be able to control the few parts of her life that she still can. Even if her parents don't accept her, she'll come out stronger and happier for it if she tells them when she confidant and ready. So... for now... just continue being the awesome friend you are. You're going to be part of the support system she will need to help her build up to letting her family know.
2006-12-06 03:50:52
answer #1
answered by Kim G 2
I would tell him and then back off so he can decide what to do- the ball is no longer in your court. Life is a lot simpler when you get stuff off your chest and are really clear with people. Because- consider your options: 1. You don't tell him and suffer in silence indefinitely. 2. You tell him and he decides he wants to be with you again. 3. You tell him and he decides you can't be friends, you hurt for a while, then move on and have a great life. It's not even that clear cut, maybe if you tell him he'll go his way for a while, then come back to you- but your life will be so much simpler if you just come clean to people. Be straightforward, and people will be refreshingly straightforward with you. And you think this guy is going to reject you anyway right? So its a matter of whether he rejects you in a long drawn out way (by going after some other chic) or straight up. And personally, i think its like a shot- you take it, fast, and you get stronger from it. I wouldn't want to ger a flu shot that lasted several months. Just tell him. The only exception I can think of is if you work together. Then I might not say anything.
2016-05-23 00:05:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Don't keep pushing her. She's got a better feel for how they'll respond. It's quite possible one or both parents could disown her, but you can always be surprised if they're accepting, however it's still a risk.
If she's dependant on them for college or other things, then I would NOT tell. If she's independant, she's got to tell sooner or later.
2006-12-06 03:19:54
answer #3
answered by BiyGuy 2
I agree with "tahesha p" They r her parents and they should love her no matter what even if she was attracted to a purple midget. But if they dont she should not let that make or break her she is livin her life not her parents and she should do what she feels is right 4 her and what will make her happy.
2006-12-06 03:28:13
answer #4
answered by Nina 2
Respect her privacy
she needs a friend she can trust to gather enough courage to come out it is very scary. Betraying her to her parents will cost you a friend it will cost her the comfort of home the right to chose who to share her orientation with and possibly her trust will be so broken as to take years to trust anyone again
So you know being gay is not a disease its not a mental illness your friend is not hurting herself with this realization you have no obligation to her safety to inform them as she is NOT endangering herself by being gay
2006-12-06 03:27:18
answer #5
answered by benbear 2
it's diffrent for everyone. after my parents found out i was on my own at 16. i've not had contact with my family since then and i'm 42. if your friend decides to tell them make sure she is ready for whatever reaction they have
2006-12-06 03:28:51
answer #6
answered by Ron N 5
I told mine, but not before they prodded at me for years. When I went to college, they really started asking me. When I told them, they were like, 'we kinda already knew that.' Hmm. I guess your friend needs to come around to admitting on her own time. There will be a time when she feels like doing it.
2006-12-06 23:24:17
answer #7
answered by Ha Ha! 3
it all depends upon the parents. it is ultimately her decision. i would back off about it & wait until she is ready. that is a HUGE issue.
2006-12-06 03:24:16
answer #8
answered by christy 6
i will tell my mom but i know she will get mad at me.. but just for some day our parents love us no matter what
2006-12-06 03:44:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I told my father and he hates me for it.. but its very different..
It's different for everyone...are they religious? Do they talk about gay issues?
2006-12-06 03:15:00
answer #10
answered by Chef Shortie 4