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1. Why didn't jets intercept the airliners since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?
2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial airlines, citing an unidentified "threat" in July 2001?
3. Why did FEMA lie about their presence in New York on 9/11?
4. Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?
5. Why did George H.W. Bush meet bin Laden's brother on 9/11?
6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights all use the term boxcutters?
7. Where are the flight recorders?
8. Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?
9. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?
10 Why was security meeting scheduled for 9/11 cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?
11. How did they come up with the "culprits" so quickly?
12. How did they find the terrorist's cars at the airports so quickly?
13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force?
14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?

2006-12-06 00:20:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

15. How extensive was the relationship between the Taliban, the ISI and the CIA?
16. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at UNOCAL?
17. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan?
18. Why did the FBI in 1996 close the files to investigate Osama bin Laden's relatives in Washington?
19. Why did .Bush stop inquiries into terrorist connections of the Bin Laden family in early 2001?
20. Who made the decision to have John O'Neill stop investigating Al-qeada accounts?
21. Who gave the decision to give him a security job at the World Trade Center?
22. Did John O'Neill meet anyone of the FEMA in the night of September 10th?
23. What about media reports that hijackers bought tickets for flights scheduled after Sept. 11?
24. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the passenger lists?
25. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink alcoholic beverages and leave their bibles?

2006-12-06 00:21:15 · update #1

25. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink alcoholic beverages and leave their bibles?
26. Why would the hijackers use credit cards and allow drivers licenses with photos to be zeroxed?
27. Why did the hijackers force passengers to call relatives?
28. How did the hijackers change the flight plan without law enforcement or the military try to stop them?
29. How did a hijackers passport miraculously appear near the WTC? Who found it and what time?
30. How could the FBI distinguish between "regular" Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights?

31. Why was there not one "innocent" Muslim on board any of these flights?
32. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking for Muslim names and label them as hijackers?

2006-12-06 00:21:45 · update #2

33. Did the Florida police provide information that Atta was searched because of 1) an expired Visa, 2) driving a car without

a license, 3) because of an incident at Miami Airport?

34. Why did Atta leave his bag at the airport and the employees didn't put it on board?

35. Who found his bag? How can we be sure it it was his bag?

36. Why did Atta place a video "how to fly planes", a uniform and his last will into his bag, knowing that he would commit


37. Why did Atta leave his drivers license in a rental car?

38. When did Atta train on a flight simulator?

39. Did Atta leave the US while in training and then return?

40. Why did Atta decide to study at Opa Locka, a famous hub of 6 Navy training bases and includes government partners like

U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Police (Miami-Dade) Aviation Unit?

41. Why was Atta allowed to study since he was stopped by the police for driving without a license and also for violating his


2006-12-06 00:22:19 · update #3

42. Why were the Black Boxes never recovered ?
43. Why didn't the FBI release the air traffic controller's protocols?
44. Why did the FBI not release the Flight Data Recorder info?
45. How did the FBI receive a tip from a passenger who boarded a different plane and reached his destination safely that he
had a confrontation with two ME men at the Logan airport in Boston?
46. Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in Boston on September 12th?
47. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come from?
48. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days after the attack?
9/11 Related WRH Articles

2006-12-06 00:24:59 · update #4

343 to go but I can't be bothered with the rest.

2006-12-06 00:25:37 · update #5

49. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger list 2 days after the hijacker list was released?
50. Why do none of the names appear on the passenger lists UA and AA gave to CNN?
51. How could the hijackers disable the defense systems?
52. Why did the FBI ignore Bin Laden's family, who left the United States without further investigation?
53. What about the supposed hijackers who are still alive?
54. Was there a reason to change the list of the original 19 hijackers?
55. What happened to Ayub Ali Khan and Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, who have been in jail since September 2001, because of possession of box cutters on a train? Who gave the tip to arrest them?
56. Why did it take 4 months before Ramsi Binalschibhs name was mentioned, since he was a good friend of Mohammad Atta and lived in his apartment in Hamburg?
57. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to charge Zacarias Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when his case was known
worldwide for months, but not mentioned in t

2006-12-06 01:07:51 · update #6

57. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to charge Zacarias Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when his case was known

worldwide for months, but not mentioned in the American media?
58. Whatever happened with Lotfi Raissi, who was arrested in UK for teaching the terrorist pilots?
59. What is the current status of the investigation of Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export-Company in Hamburg and Al Taqwa

Management Organisation in Lugano?
60. Why was Richard Reid able to enter the Paris airport twice and who paid for his hotel?
61. Who hired Zacarias Massoui to learn how to fly passenger jets in the United States?
62. Why did the FBI or CIA fail to interrogate him between August and December 2001?
63. Did the CIA monitor Bin Laden in 1998 with the help of 15 Afghan agents, paid $1,000/ month?
64. Where are these agents? Was Johnny "Mike" Spann one? Was John Walker Lindh one?
65. Is an Afghan agent a member of the ISI? Is an Afghan agent working for Bin Laden?

2006-12-06 01:09:29 · update #7

66. When was the first time Tenet mentioned the Al-Qaeda group to any member of the Senate?
67. Why did the Pentagon release a new video version or translation of the Bin Laden Home video?
68. Why it was released only 8 hours after translation by the German magazine MONITOR on December ?
69. Why were the four translators prior US-Government workers?
70. When was the Bin Laden Home Video found and who found it?
71. Who found the video if Northern Alliance and US troops had not yet arrived in Kandahar or Jahalabad?
72. Does the timestamp on the Bin Laden video indicate that it was found two weeks after it was produced?
73. Why was the public not informed who found the video and when?
74. Why according to MONITOR magazine, were the most controversial statements translated incorrectly?
75. Why was the video released?
76. Who gave the final decision to release it?
77. Why is the Bin Laden video of June 2001 in which he praised the attack, available on the Internet?

2006-12-06 01:10:07 · update #8

20 answers

Ok a sensible answer here although I see where your coming from you gotta control the way you say things the 9/11 message is important and that list of stuff will put people of. Anyway here goes:
I believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by the American government to achieve quickly what could have taken them years to do.
The answer to all your questions therefore stem from government collusion.
Firstly what has to be asked is why a follow up investigation has never happened once the FBI can still say to this day that they cannot definitively link Osama Bin Laden, Al-Quaeda and the 9/11 attacks.
It has been proven that some of the 'terrorists' that died on 9/11 were using assumed names the real people are very much alive.
Why did Bush oppose the establishment of the 9/11 commision and then hinder it at every turn.
Big question: The head of the security company for the trade centre and American Airlines was Marvin Bush, George's brother, questions need to be asked here.
Bush needs to be impeached for letting probable suspects leave the country(the Bin Laden family)
Biggest question of all: Who benefitted most who has based his whole policy around 9/11, maybe W. is not as stupid as he looks or maybe Cheney, Rummy and Condi are not stupid.
As you rightly say Bush seemed to have prior knowledge as did the secret service but what about the abnormal amount of put options put on Boeing and AA stock in the lead up to 9/11, somebody inside the trade centre certainly knew it was going to happen, who is that person, these questions need to be answered

2006-12-06 00:54:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Why don't you try researching these questions scientifically and honestly instead of getting them off a Conspiracy web site that only gives a one sided view that is usually not honest in its statements? I will answer your first question then you can do the rest. The only radar in the US that tracked planes inside the US was the FAA. When the pilots or terrorist (whichever you prefer) turned off the transponders they had no way to track the planes. NORAD only looked outside the US. Second if we had known that the planes were going to be used as bombs as soon as they were hijacked, which no one did, look and see where the nearest fighters were stationed. Then compute the closing speed of the fighter vrs the speed of the Airliner which can fly in excess of 500 MPH. The closing speed would be the difference in the speed the airliners were flying and the top speed of a fighter. IF we knew which planes were which we still could not have reached anyone of them in time except flight 93. Which they were after when the passengers forced it down. Do real research, not just listen to the airheads that promote conspiracy theories without any scientific knowledge or research.

2006-12-06 00:31:55 · answer #2 · answered by mark g 6 · 6 0

The one thing that I've always asked myself, and others actually, is why would Bin Laden and his Al Quaeda group accept the blame for something that they didn't do knowing that they would be chased to the ends of the world and killed once captured? If it is true about our government being at fault. It's because Al Quaeda did do it, not our government. I believe, like one person said here, that we were caught with our pants down. I also believe that we may have known something was going on but fly airliners into buildings? Even if it was suspicious that the terrorist were taking flight lessons, I don't think that anybody would've guessed what was going to happen. Hijacks maybe, but fly into buildings?

2016-10-25 18:00:47 · answer #3 · answered by Ismael V 1 · 0 0

Oh Please Please Please, don't you understand. A building weighing something like a hundred thousand tons falls down and you want to know what happened to the flight recorder? I suspect the experts would say, "The data was irrecoverably corrupted".
I believe Bush was in a classroom when the plane crashed into the WTC, not watching tv. He was actually critisised for this, and not departing to attend a national emergency.
Please let us know which tv channel it was that broadcast the plane crashing "live" into the WTC. You said, "Bush [saw] the first plane crash on live camera into the WTC", so we aren't interested in Am-Cam, or web-cam, or manhole cam, we want to know which tv company had a camera crew in place to specifically record the first plane crash into the WTC.
You obviously don't know this small but very important fact or you would have mentioned it, so I can only conclude there was no camera crew in place to record the first plane crashing live into the WTC.

2006-12-06 01:24:32 · answer #4 · answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6 · 2 0

You might want to ask this again in simpler term or in sections... as you have asked something that only conspiracy theorist can answer. You are just asking the same old questions that everyone has asked and has been answered .... but you just reject what you don't want to hear... Why did Alatolo... take credit for this terrible act? That is what should be asked.. all other questions are irrelevant.

2006-12-06 00:35:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Many of your statements are just false. Other ones are typical of our security measures pre 9/11 and still more just don't even relate to the attack unless you try to make them.

2006-12-06 00:25:52 · answer #6 · answered by El Pistolero Negra 5 · 6 1

Talking about a letter to the editor. Phew...
We were caught with "our pants" down,
while "asleep at the wheel",
going "up a creek with out a paddle"

2006-12-06 00:26:55 · answer #7 · answered by dorianalways 4 · 2 1

How gullible are you?

I really can't give a serious answer to all of this conspiracy theorist bullsh!t.

2006-12-07 01:16:13 · answer #8 · answered by Mr Crusty 5 · 0 0

Conspiracy theorist.

2006-12-06 06:39:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It was going good before all the additional details.

2006-12-06 00:30:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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