Haters, dont waste you energy hating me
1.. Americans Are Overweight
2. She wants a Black Man ( A true story)
3. Loose Screws (making fun of religious hypocrites)
4. Ignorant (about rappers rapping about the same thing)
5. Dyke Chick (making fun of lesbians)
6. The truth Hurts (bashing catholic priest who molest children)
7. Believe (believe in yourself)
8. Treat You Right (making a good relationship)
9. Shut Up (nagging women)
10.Controlled by the Pu$$y (making fun of men being crazy for
11. Fake (Bashing fake rappers who aren't living like they claim)
12. Make a Hit saying nothing (making fun of rapper's lyrics)
13. Single and Free (celebrating a break up)
Listen to the songs here
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