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12 answers

Absolutely correct. You can't attack Israel without being criticized and labeled as an Anti-Semitic, whereas you can be against the Palestinians, and it doesn't generate any hatred at all.

It's because the United States is run by pro-Zionist and pro-Israel people. An unfortunate truth, as this means they give support to a regime that is slaughtering hundreds of innocent civilians...

2006-12-05 12:14:08 · answer #1 · answered by Link 5 · 5 2

It's an amazing achievement of US and Israeli propaganda (never mind supporters from around the world, especially Jewish ones), particularly since they became allies in 1973 (the Soviet Union was the previous major ally). Also, there's the always present "Holocaust syndrome", as if Jews were the only people on this earth to be killed in massive numbers with the intent of seeing them wiped off the face of the earth.

Now, to all those getting prickly that someone is saying such things, allow me, a Jew, to explanate:

That there was a policy of genocide on the part of the Nazis concerning Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Russians is really not in question; the amount of smoking-gun-type evidence is simply enormous. It's the same with the Japanese and the fact that they slaughtered 30 million Chinese between 1931 and 1945. However, it doesn't mean any one of these groups holds a patent on the word Holocaust or holds some sort of copyright on being "the biggest victims of genocide ever", or any other nonsense like that. And little doubt remains, at least in my mind, that the Jewish Holocaust is NOT a carte blanche for ethnic cleansing, humiliation, rape, torture, destruction, and all the other horrible events brought unto the Palestinians. There were and continue to be plenty of Zionists, myself included, that believe that Jews must have a safe haven, but always with the cooperation of those in who's countries Jews want to live. However, the Zionists that took over Israel never really cared to cooperate with Arabs (or Persians for that matter) and we have what we have today.

But I digress. The important factor in answering your question is that the only way one can justify what Israel does, with the $5,5 billion it receives in military aid EVERY YEAR from the US, is to make sure that all Jews become saints, eternal victims, forever allowed to do what they please because of their past, forever in the right. So, if there's a "Jewish" state (which, in my opinion, is just as anachronistic as a Muslim or Christian state), a poor review of it means you're an anti-Semite. Simple and grotesque at the same time, isn't it? And, in any case, the last last thing Jews have in Israel is a safe haven, seeing as to how they are hated throughout the region and can't even beat Hezbollah, a resistance movement *** terrorist organization that has some shoddy AK-47's, rockets they can't aim, and who use human shields to protect themselves from the IDF's offensives. This compared to Israel's massive weaponry, which, in the opinion of many military experts, makes it the second deadliest armed forces in the world (guess who's first!).

2006-12-06 13:40:04 · answer #2 · answered by rakasin 2 · 0 0

I'm anti-Zionist but far from anti-Jewish. By the way Arabs are also semites, and I'm not anti-arab. Actually, in general, when ppl speak against Israel, it is in objection to the treatment of the Arabs (Palastinians) that lived on the land before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The creation and control of the State of Israel is the work of the Zionist. The movement started in the late 1800's and became a major terrorist movement during the 20s & 30s, and they feel as do many others, that because of the "Holocaust" They are justified in the oppression of the Palastinians. The Zionists have a very powerful lobby in the US, and whatever they choose to do, is backed by the US.
There have been many motions condeming Israel at the UN, but , without exception, they have been vetoed by the US. With many Americans, if you dare to critizise Israel, they will accuse you of being Anti-American---Weird but true,

2006-12-05 20:32:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Excellent question. Unfortunately no one had appeared on CNN, MSNBC or Fox News to ask the question as to why criticism toward Israel is viewed as anti-semitism. I'm not sure but looking at Israel's history and relations with the Palestinians it probably has to do with the "we are correct, the world will sympathize with us but you are in the wrong because you have complained about your plight while using terrorism for generations" mentality.

Since Israel's founding, Israeli leaders and the general public although with the public it is not the case anymore sought to place the issuse of Israel's right to exist above the much neglected UN's Question of Palestine. Israel has constantly referred back to Hitler and the holocaust numerous times while trying to defend its actions toward the Palestinians. Partly due to this overt use of the holocaust and the use of the Judeo-Christian traditions which many Americans are familiar with taught from childhood that (the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people because of their ancestors' claim in the Bible) there remains a strong belief that Israel has the right to defend itself no matter who bears the brunt of its actions. The Israelis have access to the media outlets, lobbyist and sympathizers whereas the Palestinians are lacking all of these. Israel, certain parts of Europe and the United States goes to great lengths to demonize the Arab world and Palestinian people without giving any background information and analynzes as to why and how the Palestinians became refugees and why so many young Palestinians are turning to terrorism at an alarming rate. This demonization has been going on for years since Israel's founding in 1948 and even before than in Europe and the West in general. As a result most people who either do not care about the situation nor think peace is possible after following the conflict for years, do little to question the demonization and dehumanization of the Palestinians and the general Arab world. There are little challenges made to the process of correcting the image of the Palestinians all the while doing little to question Israel's heavy handed authority of Palestine.

With this mind any criticism toward Israel's brutal treatment is deemed as a support for terrorism or anti-semitic at the same time drowning out legitmate arguments against Israeli's apartheid wall as some critics call it and the collective punishment of the Palestinians because of the acts of a few people.

2006-12-05 21:19:33 · answer #4 · answered by lisa 3 · 4 0

Impossible is a bit strong, how about 99.99999 % of the time?
Imagine an unpaved road if you will, it has ruts where cars/wagons have gone before you when 99 % of the cars go one way and you are trying to change course... its the ruts that take over and cause you to proceed with the 99 %. These tracks left behind by others have left a template or mold for any future travelers and would take a great great deal of hard work to break them and move it in a different direction. So much war and animosity has come long before us, ignorance keeps us in our ruts of life. Almost anyone you say the word Jew to gets their back up waiting and on the defense because so many have brought them a good reason to do so. What can you do? Earn their trust (they won't give it - you have to work for it) and assure them they have no reason to consider you like those before you.

2006-12-05 19:47:52 · answer #5 · answered by paxxy1 2 · 3 2

Two words. Political Correctness

2006-12-05 21:21:34 · answer #6 · answered by Maurice P 2 · 0 0

because you are buying into a anti semitic line of thinking

2006-12-05 20:19:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1) because Israel is the "Jewish State" 2) because most people that criticize Israel are anti-Semites

2006-12-05 19:35:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Anti-semitism would pertain to the Jewish religion, not the country or people.

2006-12-05 19:34:55 · answer #9 · answered by Mr.Wise 6 · 3 2

Because that is what it's called! duh
"Brainy" is absolutely Wrong in his assertion that the "palestinians" lived in Israel Before the Jewish People. He, and many others, need to read their history again.

2006-12-05 21:24:07 · answer #10 · answered by softspot 3 · 0 2

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