i was 9lb 13oz when i was born my partner was only 5lbs when he was born my 3 children weighed 2lb 1oz at birth well she was born at 27 weeks then next one was born 41 weeks she was 7lb 4oz then my son was born right on his due date he weighed 7lb 6oz hope this helps they say if you or partner are large then babies will be but its not always true and when i was preg with my son they told me he was going to be around 9-10 pound baby but wasnt true he was 7lb 6oz best wishes
2006-12-05 08:58:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Nope. My husband was 10lbs, and all the babies on his side where over 9 lbs. My side had huge babies too, but mine turned out to be 6lbs 10oz, and this one doesnt look over wheight.
The doc with my fisrt kid did say that she was going to be 9lbs, but she was only the 6.10(full term). Big difference, but also a huge reliefe. Now she is 1-1/2 and super tall like daddy, out grows her clothes cause she is so tall and lean.. Every baby is different. Good luck.
Everyone wasnt sure how big baby was, so because i have a thin frame and didnt want any risk of baby getting stuck after hours and hours of labor, i chose to have a C-Section. Safest thing at that point, but dissapointing when she came out much smaller than they said.
2006-12-05 09:03:15
answer #2
answered by Holly M 5
I don't think it has anything to do with size. My sons where 7lbs 6 oz and 7lbs. My daughter was 9lb 1 oz. My husband was 6lb 6 oz and I was 7lbs 5 oz. I gained the same amout of weight each time , was pregnate the same amount of time. They just weight what they do. BTY my secnd labor was only 1 hour of intense labor and it only took 15 minutes to get her out (all 9lbs!) So labor does get better! Good luck!
2006-12-05 09:01:47
answer #3
answered by pharfly1 5
My husbands weight at birth was 8 pounds 2 ounces. My son's weight was 8 pounds 3 ounces. Very close to daddy so I don't know my guess yes it is close to the fathers weight.
2006-12-05 10:54:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your genetics have bearing on your childs devolpment. But that does not mean you can predict how large or small your child's birth weight will be by how large or small you or your husband were. There are so many more factors involved. The quality of enviroment, genetics, maternal health, and embryonic health will be the biggest determining factors.
2006-12-05 09:10:15
answer #5
answered by maoper21 1
My sister-in-regulation had a 10 pound toddler the first time round. The clinical specialist informed her with the 2d one which it replaced into going to be larger too. yet even as the toddler replaced into born it replaced right into a lot smaller. do not problem. Your clinical specialist is established with what your body can deal with. If it gained't come out with techniques from itself you could continuously have a c section. good luck!
2016-11-30 04:33:55
answer #6
answered by ? 3
My husband was barely 7lbs and 2 weeks late, my son was on his due date at 9lbs and my daughter was 3 weeks early at 7lbs. Your body and health determine how big your baby will be.
2006-12-05 10:31:45
answer #7
answered by PLDFK 4
no my hubby was 9 somthing too and i was 8 2 and my daughter weighed in at 7 7 so dont worry.
2006-12-05 08:58:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no size of the parents have nothing to do with the childs birth weight .......I was 8 and a half lbs and my hubby was 6lbs and our baby was 7lbs 10oz so it depends on ur prenatal care and how u manage ur diet while pregnant
2006-12-05 08:57:06
answer #9
answered by ? 3
thats not always true my husband was a ten pound baby and my daughter was 5 pounds i dont think thats true and your size also plays a part in how big your babys gonna be
2006-12-05 09:00:47
answer #10
answered by bettyblueeyes_05 2