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2006-12-05 08:04:01 · 7 answers · asked by nicole f 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

7 answers

A lot of people will say castor oil or black cohosh. I wouldn't recommend either of those because they are so HORRIBLE to ingest. One thing that seems to be working for me is fresh pineapple (3 raw ones) followed by a glass of Dole pineapple juice every hour coupled with nipple stimulation from the breast pump. My contractions are getting heavier and more frequent and neither method will cause harm to the baby.

2006-12-05 08:08:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I tried everything to induce labour - from pineapple to hot curries and raspberry leaf tea but nothing worked! I still ended up going 2 weeks over and having to be induced and even then still needing a c section as he just wasn't ready!! (or he was to comfy in there!!!)
Trust me just let things happen naturally as they really don't come until they are ready!!
Good luck and just enjoy those last few weeks!!

Mother of 2 x

2006-12-05 16:20:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish I did, I'm due on Thurs the 7th and nothing I've tried has worked. I will tell you that I have been inserting evening primrose oil and at my last visit the doc said there were serious changes in my cerviw so I believe it'll help ripen the cervix.

2006-12-05 16:27:24 · answer #3 · answered by lil sis 3 · 0 0

massage your nipples and try to get the milk (or the white colostrum) flowing a little. This helps stimulate your body into producing the oxytocin, which starts your labor. do this as often as you can.

2006-12-05 16:13:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


You may give accupressure to the area of "Spleen 6", four fingers above the inner ankle on the shinbone. It is a tender spot and you may want to research this to do it correctly. Do this three times, 10 or 15 seconds at a time, resting in between, repeating every few minutes.

Car Ride

A bumpy car ride may sound like an old wives' tale, but if the baby is not in a good position, sitting and relaxing while being moved by the car through bumps has worked.

Castor oil

One of the very possible side effects of using castor oil or an enema is the mom having severe diarrhea and cramping, leading to dehydration. It may also be associated with a higher risk of the baby passing meconium before or during the birth. These methods are presented here for information only.

It works by stimulating the bowels, which in turn stimulates the uterus. Metamucil works this way also. An enema also works the same as castor oil, although it is some what invasive. Castor Oils can be combined with anything that makes it easier to take from ice-cream to soda. It is usually recommended that the mom take 1 dose, then take a hot shower and then the second dose two hours after the first, and another hot shower if she feel like doing so. This has the relaxation effect needed to help start labor. Some midwives recommend vodka, but a hot shower seems to do the trick. The recommendations vary on the amount of castor oil to take. Between 3 TBS and 4 ounces for 1 dose. Always start with the smallest amount and go up from there.

Castor oil cocktails.

one large glass of orange juice mixed with three teaspoons of castor oil and one teaspoon of baking soda. This gets foamy and goes down easier.

Castor oil scrabbled in 3 or more eggs

Drink oil straight followed immediately by hot apple juice

Put 2 oz of Castor Oil in 4-3 oz. Of root beer, place palm over top of the glass and shake vigorously, drink immediately

Castor Oil, orange juice and ice cream blended

2 oz of castor oil in a Chocolate Slim Fast shake


Blue or black cohosh are emenagogues. They should not be used if the woman is anemic, or has a history of postpartum bleeding, high blood pressure or excessive blood loss during birth. The usual method is for the woman to take 3 to 4 drops under the tongue every 4 hours. Amounts on this vary. Another "scheme" of Blue Cohosh is to take 5-10 drops in a glass of water every 30 minutes for up to 4 hours. If labor is not regular then 1 dropperful under the tongue every hour until strong and regular. Please cllick on the names to see an article on each one. Combining Blue and Black cohosh is also effective. 5-10 drops of each one, on the same regimen as mentioned before. Used only with acceptance and/or supervision of a professional caregiver.

Cumin Seed Tea

1 T. cumin seed to one cup of boiling water, allow to steep for 5 minutes, then drink. No more than 1 cup an hour per day.


Fleets Enema - can use herbs like blue & black cohoshes in the enema to help get contractions going. This can be effective.


Spicy food has been suggested, and if she isn't prone to heartburn
why not give it a try? However, avoid causing heartburn during labor.

GoldSeal Tincture & Matrigin

Alternate 1/2 dropperful every 5 minutes for an hour until labor is well established.

Nipple Stimulation

This is a well-known method of making the uterus contract. Used by
midwives for centuries, it not only stimulates the uterus during labor,
it is beneficial after the birth to aid in expelling the placenta and avoiding hemorrhage. Since this method uses her Natural oxytocin, it is the safest form of induction.

To Induce: Start by applying warm compresses to both breasts, uncover one breast and begin use of pump. Using an electric breast pump, start by pumping on uncovered side for 15 min then switch sides and place warm compress on pumped side and begin pumping on other side, continue this alternation technique until regular strong and rhythmic contractions begin (usually 20-30 minutes) then stop...if contractions should begin to decline in strength or regularity, resume breast stimulation with breast pump for 5 min/side until the strength and regularity resumes. Contractions should be a minimum of (5) minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds.

An Alternative Method - Get into a tub of warm water, not too hot, but comfortably warm. Soak a towel in the water, about the size of a dishtowel, or a washcloth would work as well. Drape it over the breasts. Roll one nipple, through the towel, for up to 15 minutes, or as long as it takes to make a contraction happen. When the contraction begins, stop the stimulation. After it ends, wait about 5 minutes before stimulating the other nipple, and repeat the process for an hour. Then, take a break for 3 or 4 hours, and begin again. This is much less traumatizing on the nipples than using a breast pump, and may work as well or better.

Thank you Jennifer Davis for this suggestion!


Prostaglandin is the hormone that softens the cervix to prepare it for
birth. It does not stimulate the uterus. The woman can consider making
love with her husband or partner once a day. She shouldn't get up right away and should elevate her hips. This lets the prostaglandin in the semen coat the cervix. Also semen orally has been said to help, as prostaglandins are absorbed orally as well as vaginally.


Have mom relax and forget about her estimated due date. Anxiety
produces adrenaline which can delay the beginning of labor. Give her
suggestions for relaxing activities at home, or use some relaxation
techniques with her. Even a glass of wine can relax her for a while.


This is done by a doctor or midwife to Induce. This should only be considered when all else has failed. It's the most invasive of natural inductions, but can be very effective. The risks associated with ROM are high though and need to be thought through carefully.

Softening the Cervix

Borage and Flax Seed Oil , Black Current Oil, 3-6 capsules, taken orally, everyday and/or rubbed directly on the cervix if bag of waters is intact, after 37 weeks.

Blue and Black Cohosh Tinctures, 5-10 drops each, in cup of water or tea, 1-2 times everyday, after 37 weeks.

Take Evening Primrose oil (gel-caps) orally 3X's per day and insert 2 in the vagina at bedtime--she has to remain lying down to keep them in. It doesn't START labor, only prepares the cervix. She can buy it at any health food/vitamin/herbal store. She can also massage it onto her cervix. She can start taking about 2 - 3 capsules orally daily at almost 38 weeks. Then about a week later she could start putting it on her cervix as long as her membranes are intact. If her membranes rupture and labor does not begin, she should shower rather than bathe, and avoid sex or anything that could introduce germs into her vagina (including vaginal exams).

For rapid ripening: Black Cohosh Tincture, 15 - 25 drops, under the tongue, every 30 - 60 minutes, will usually soften the cervix within 6 hours. Evening Primrose Oil may also be rubbed directly on the cervix and in the os and repeated after 30 minutes if necessary.

2006-12-05 16:11:00 · answer #5 · answered by happymommy 4 · 1 0

go for a massive walk, it walked for me. i walked slowly for 2hrs, then when i got home had a bath and my waters broke

2006-12-05 16:07:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Walking, sex, spicy food....castor oil, though I wouldn't reccomend that one.

2006-12-05 16:06:18 · answer #7 · answered by Jordan D 6 · 0 0

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