A LLC simply means that it is a Limited Liability Company. Usually, when you own a business, you can be personally liable for the losses in that company (if the company goes under, your creditors can go after your personal assets to repay the debts). As a limited liability company, the creditors cannot go after your personal assets. This would also apply for lawsuits as well.
2006-12-05 05:42:04
answer #1
answered by jseah114 6
LLC is a Limited Liability Corporation. It gives a small business owner certain protections, and shields the owner's personal assets from any legal judgments against the business.
2006-12-05 05:38:17
answer #2
answered by David545 5
Keith is correct. It is very similar to a limited partnership. It is supposed to limit the liabilities of the investors in the Company. It is NOT a Corporation. There may be a better way to do a small company that is more time tested and court tested. That would be an S CORPORATION.
2006-12-05 05:43:17
answer #3
answered by golferwhoworks 7
Limited Liability Company.
Instead of partners they are called members.
Each Member contributed capital and their liability in the company is limited to that investment. You will need a lawyer to help you set it up
2006-12-05 05:38:07
answer #4
answered by keith s 5
limited liability corporation
2006-12-05 05:38:11
answer #5
answered by rodie5582 4