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Specifically looking for a printable copy of Jeff Foxworthy's monologue on 'goths' for an audition piece. However would consider other comedy pieces. There has got to be a web site somewhere?

2006-12-05 05:15:38 · 2 answers · asked by xillith 3 in Entertainment & Music Other - Entertainment

2 answers

Good question. I'm looking for one by Dick Shawn which he performed many years ago , I think, on the Tonight Show. It was brilliant.


2006-12-05 05:24:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Danial. Tosh is an *** who has *misplaced his tail, and isn't appropriate, humans who chuckle at him are simply as dangerous too!Comedian do not need rights over others, and through being what he's, he might have misplaced plenty of viewers additionally already, we simply do not know for certain. Not relatively a double normal, it best turns out that manner, if he had accused the president or any individual in that catagory, then possibly a few fees could have taken situation, however considering the fact that he's a NOBODY in all reality, nobody dose something, however quietly ***** like this. it looks additionally, right here on Q & A., many simply spool out their hate; hate in opposition to ladies, in opposition to gays, and Atheists, nevertheless it dose no well, humans will have to positioned their vigour wherein it is going to do extra well. lobbying in opposition to the foul mouthed men and women, and make new legislation!

2016-09-03 12:14:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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