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i dont think its caloic, i could be wrong. she wont sleep at night. and when she does sleep u HAVE to hold her. once u put her down she crys and wont stop till u feed her. (she eats wayyy too much so i started giving her water and she dosent like that) we tryed to put her in a swing and shes dosent like the swing. my aunt came over this morning and somehow got her to sleep and now shes sleeping with my sister on the floor for about 2 maybe 2 1/2 hours now. it seems she likes to sleep allday but i really need some help becasue i was about to go crazy. any advice?

2006-12-05 05:01:50 · 24 answers · asked by Monica S 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

24 answers

Omg, I am so worried rt now! Ur going crazy n it's bn one night?? Did u read alot of baby books while pregnant? She is too young to b in a swing! U do not give water (IF u do, its TINY amounts) A baby does not over eat. PLEASE call the Prediatician...dont worry about asking alot of questions they r use to that. If she cries when u put her down check to b sure that there is nothing under her clothes or sheets that could b poking at her. My son couldn't lay flat bcuz his formula would come bk up his throat...try laying her slightly elevated..NOT a soft pillow..fold a blanket n put it under her matress where her head goes. Get as much rest as possible when she does sleep..all newborns sleep alot but they do wake up every couple hrs to eat. If u offer food ever time she cries she will take some cuz the sucking is comforting. If u know she just ate enough, then offer a pacifier. E/m if u need to.

Good luck and congratulations! it gets better, I promise. :-)

2006-12-05 05:17:00 · answer #1 · answered by •♦๑•TxRose•♦๑• 7 · 3 0

first off, she wont sleep through the night until shes about 3-4 months old IF you are lucky. Dont feed her water, shes not ready at all for that. Keep her on her formula, make sure she has a warm bottle. That might help calm her down. Just hang in there. Its part of being a mommy. No one said it was going to be easy. Try a soothing bath before bed time. Try to keep her awake a little longer in the day, but dont make her over tired. Keep her warm, swaddled most infants like this. Keep the lights dim and soft noises at night. Maybe she needs to change formula? That could be the problem. If she crys the most after a feeding, mention this to her dr. maybe her formula needs to be adjusted. Make she she has clean pampers. Try a vibrating bouncy chair. Those might work better than the swing. Goodluck!

2006-12-05 05:07:12 · answer #2 · answered by jess_n_flip 4 · 3 0

With a new baby you just need pacience. there is really no way to get a brand new baby to sleep when you want her too. And I would definatly advise you not give her water. She is too little for water and she is going to be eating alot to try and figure out her own schedule. You may also be confusing hunger w/ something else. make sure she is not too hot or cold, her diaper is clean she is comfy. Have you tryed a pacifier yet, I suggest the Soothie pacifiers. This part of being a mom is very difficult especialy for a first timer. The only advise I can give you is just to be patcient. sleep when she sleeps, and accept help from friends and family so you can get something to eat, a bath, a nap, whatever. Good luck and dont worry it gets much easier

2006-12-05 05:15:06 · answer #3 · answered by medleyc1 4 · 1 0

Your baby has just spent 9 months curled up in your tummy, now she is out in the big wide world and mommy is suddenly not around her any more, she has to call for mommy.
Have you tried swaddling her? Wrap her like they did in hospital, that gives the secure feeling of being in the womb.
She wants to be held because that also gives her the comfort of knowing that mommy is right there.
Feed her when she needs it- she only has a tiny stomach so it only really takes a few drops fo fill it- and it is digested quickly so it needs filling up again not long after you fed her.
Do not give her water, this is doing no good for her.

Just be patient. It's frustrating, but you have to let baby lead the way in these first few weeks...enjoy it though, it will go by so fast!

And don't expect a routine to be established right away. If your expecting this, you are going to be overwhelmed with everything so quickly. Remember that it takes time for baby to learn the difference between night and day.

2006-12-05 05:23:03 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7 · 3 0

Stop giving her water!!! She's too young for that and it isn't good for her.

With babies in their first month, often they will only sleep when you're holding them. My son would only sleep when he was being walked around or gently bounced in my lap.

I know it's hard. Ask for help from your sister and any other friends or family you trust. But for the next month or so, you have to suck it up that the baby will probably wake up every 2-4 hours and need to eat and be changed, and that she might fuss every time you put her down.

Think about the change from the baby's point of view. It used to be warm and snuggly all the time, and every time you walked or moved, she was gently bounced. Suddenly it's bright and loud and cold and she's not being rocked any more all the time. I'd be mad too! :)

Also, she'll only eat when she needs to, she won't eat "too much" at this age. But it is safe to go 3 hours between feedings with newborns, a little longer if she's sleeping.

Good luck, and hang in there. It gets easier, especially after about 12 weeks.

2006-12-05 05:09:45 · answer #5 · answered by MomMomBob 2 · 4 0

It's normal for babies not to sleep much. Out daughter didn't sleep more than 2 hours at a time for the first two years. Same with our friend's son. Water is bad for a newborn. Just stick to breast feeding. The baby can take a few days to get the hang of breast feeding anyway -- it has to learn as you do.

Also, wear some ear plugs -- this helps us with that ear-pearcing noise and helps keep the stress level down and keep us calm and sane when changing/ feeding/ burping/ comforting. Some babies you just can't leave alone too. It's all in the personality sometimes. Our second daughter is quite content and never complains for long till she is changed and fed. Or first daughter (2.5yrs, continues to be in constant need of attention, as always.)

2006-12-05 05:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by Scocasso ! 6 · 0 1

First of all - do not give her water!!!!
An infant will eat every 2-3 hours, that's normal.
She's been cuddled up in your stomach for 9 months, so now she wants to be cuddled and feel cozy, hold her as much as you can!
She will sleep for 2-3 hours and then wake up to feed again - and to change diaper.
Doesn't matter if it's day or night, it's too early to establish a day, or night routine yet.
Get sleep with your doughter, you will need it, since you will be waking every couple of hours.
It's tough in the beginning, but that's why you have to rest as much as you can, this way you can be a good mommy and she will be a happy baby!!!!!!
Good luck!

2006-12-05 05:32:38 · answer #7 · answered by knowledgebase 2 · 2 0

I know how you feel, my son is now 18 months old. I didnt sleep for the 1st 2 weeks. If you breast feed remember to burp in between each breast!! My milk didnt come in till 4 days after my son was born so i gave him some similac 3oz every 3hours. Your baby is too young for water. the first month is demand feeding feed the her as much as she wants! Give her a bath (damp warm cloth until umbilical cord falls off) every night around the same time before you put her to bed she needs a schedule try and feed always sround the same time. Its hard but trust me it works. Also try and swaddle your baby with its blanket rap up her hands really tight so she cant move! it makes her feel like she is still in your belly and sing to her.. after the 1st month add a bit of oatmeal just a little right before she goes to bed and both of you will sleep! I got my son to sleep thru the night by 2 months old! Remeber it gets better from here after 2 weeks youll see a difference its overwheming but its worth it when you see them smile!! good luck hope ive helped

2006-12-05 05:16:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

She needs to eat at LEAST 2 oz every 2 hours

If your breast feeding then try to feed her everytime she cries.

they sleep ALL day long, if she sleeps for more than 4 hours wake her and feed her,

newborn babies DO NOT get water at this point.

I breast fed my babies every 2 hours for 20 minutes on each breast so a total of 40 minutes.

formula feeding is the same, feed them the 2 oz til its all gone, however long it takes,

after about a week they ate 4 oz or more every 4 hours.

Newborn babies, eat, sleep and poop

thats all they do.

perfectly normal.

i have 3 sons.

oldest is 10

i have a 2year old and a 7 moth old

2006-12-05 05:31:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This behavior is PERFECTLY NORMAL for a newborn.

She just was kicked out of the only home she has known for 9 months. She was warm and it was dark and she could hear her mommy's heartbeat and speaking.

Now she is cold and it's bright and noisy and she is scared and needs her mommy's touch.

It is perfectly normal for a newborn to eat all the time. Just make sure you are burping her. STOP GIVING HER WATER, pediatricians do not recommend you give an infant this small water.

Things should even out in a few days if you calm down and just get used to your new schedule (what your baby needs).

Congratulations on your baby girl

2006-12-05 05:07:26 · answer #10 · answered by Gem 7 · 5 0

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