I am pro-choice. I believe in God but I'm realistic. Americans rely on facts to support new laws and practices. There are no facts as to when life begins--at conception or birth. I feel until this is proven there is no argument as to why there should not be a choice. In a society like this one, you cannot make a law based on theories, beliefs, hypothesizes, and morals.
I do not belief in the whole "it's the woman's body" argument. It's just not strong enough for me. Politically, until there is scientific proof that life begins at conception then there should be no laws based purely on belief.
My personal belief, however, is that life does begin at conception. I believe if these woman knew what was going on with the baby inside of them, the procedure, the grief, and so on they would not choose abortion. I have volunteered at a pregnancy crisis clinic talking with woman about their choices. I do not sugar coat abortion. I tell the facts--spiritually, medically, emotionally, and financially. I believe all options should be discussed not leaning to either side. Education frees people.
What really gets me is why (some) pro-life people do not fund (even a dollar a day) these research programs to find the answer to when life begins. I believe once we have that fact there can and will be no argument.
I thought I’d also add the dictionary definition of “life”--the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce.
Can a six week old fetus take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce without it’s mother’s umbilical cord? No. This is a clear fact supporting the pro-choice belief. Whether or not I believe it is a different story.
Just because people are pro-choice does not mean they love abortion. It does not mean they belief abortion should be used as birth control. Pro-life and pro-choice advocates are not black and white. You cannot say just because one pro-choice person said this and then generalize everyone to be like that. Abortion is not black and white--it comes in different shades of colors therefore everyone will have a different take on it. Woman who do use abortion as a form of birth control are doing the same this as people who stay on welfare for their whole lives--abusing the systems and laws to which Americans are granted.
There a hypocritical arguments for the pro-life side of thing also: If live begins at conception and all life should be saved why is it an exception for rape cases? If all life is viable why are there exceptions?
2006-12-05 03:42:21
answer #1
answered by .vato. 6
How about for once we try to have this debate without religion entering. Also the question of murder id moot since the Supreme court says abortion is legal. I have stated my pro-choice stance numerous times so I won't go back over all that.
The key question to ask...When does life begin? I think that if a fetus is able to sustain life on its own there should be no abortions after that point. I don't believe late term or partial birth abortions should be legal. I guess I am in a strange sort of place, pro-choice to a certain point. O well, that's my right.
If the Supreme court ever reverses the Roe v Wade decission then you can argue the murder stance but not untill then.
Do pro-lifers want to go back to the times before the legalization of abortion/ Do you want to see back alley abortions with coat hangers? Do you want the death of not only the fetus but the mother also?
Stop preaching against & come up with some viable alternatives.
2006-12-05 05:06:49
answer #2
answered by U can't b serious 4
First I believe that the problem of choice is a slippery slope. I worry that if we allow the government to make decisions about women's health then the government will soon make decisions about women's voting rights, and everyone's health issues. This government intervention would cause problems for everyone, and is counter to everything that freedom stands for.
I do not believe that embryos are human, nor a baby. Most of the medical science has also came to the same conclusion. The real test is that if you and your child were in a fertility clinic and there was a fire would you go save all the embryos or would you save your child. That illustrates why there is a very obvious difference between eggs in a jar and humans.
There is also a huge flaw in the pro-life argument, which is defending non-human or foreign life. If pro-lifers are so worried about the sanctity of life then why don't they protest wars, or poverty, or AIDS, all of which cause death to real people every day. As well why don't they protest the meat industry which kills thousands of animal every hour. If life is life and it should be protected then protect it in Iraq and Afghanistan and protect it by not eating meat. Don't just yell at young girls who made a mistake.
2006-12-05 03:47:13
answer #3
answered by ghostpirate7 3
I am pro-choice, and I do not believe that an early-term fetus counts as "human", to be endowed with the same right to life as a fully-developed baby. Everybody has to draw that line somewhere... apparently you draw it at "conception", I agree with the terms set out in Roe v. Wade, and some people disapprove of hormonal birth control entirely, because it MIGHT cause a blastocyst to MAYBE not implant. There's not a defining line to where life begins, and I suspect that everybody has some innate favoritism for the full-term children.
Like the classic example, if you have a choice between saving one toddler or 100 frozen six-cell IVF embryos from, say, a destructive fire, which would you choose?
And a woman who has had twelve unwanted pregnancies is making some bad life choices, whether or not she gives birth to all the babies. Avoiding conception in this day in age is pretty straightforward, and to fail at it twelve times shows a lack of responsibility and probably some pretty major self-loathing.
2006-12-05 03:49:44
answer #4
answered by MissA 7
I think people were upset with the question because 12 abortions about to be 13 is not the act of a responsible person (the person might have been lying too you know) There is something wrong with anyone that would continuously get pregnant but not prevent it if they know they don't want t get pregnant.
I am sorry to have disrespected your request by answering, but after reading the answers you were getting and your question, I felt that maybe someone should actually address your question.
I am pro choice but also for myself pro-life, meaning I would never tell anyone else what to do, I am not them and would never fully understand the circumstance that make them decide the things they do, but for myself, I would never be able to handle an abortion emotionally... (I'm telling you this as I feel my baby kicking *smiles*, I would never trade in this experience for anything)
Have a GREAT day!
2006-12-05 03:47:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I believe it is the beginings of human. I dont think a clump of cells can be classified as a human being with thought, feelings, love, etc.
Yes, at some point the baby becomes viable and had the necessary brain development that if it WERE born it would survive.
But I am pro choice because I believe that women have the right to decide what happens inside their own bodies, when theres just a mass of cells that may EVENTUALLY become human.
Once the baby is viable I believe is is wrong to abort unless the mother is in danger.
But Im a vegetarian and dont believe in taking life in ANY form, be it human or animal. But I dont think a baby is considered a PERSON until it is viable outside the body.
2006-12-05 03:39:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
This is the root of the whole pro-life/pro-choice debate. Is the fetus human?
Certainly the fetus contains a full set of human DNA, has life, and is certainly capable of becoming a full grown, living, breathing, human being. However, by the same argument all cells in our bodies contain a full set of human DNA, has life, and in theory, given the proper nurturing can be grown into a full grown, living breathing, human being. Does this mean that we are all murders any time we take a shower or scratch an itch. After all, such activities do kill living clumps of cells with full human DNA?
So... when does life begin? Well...several million years ago! The egg and sperm are living cells before they get together and they come from a living organism, that came from a living organism, that came from a living organism, etc.... To me, this kind of makes the whole "it's alive" argument untenable.
So... when does it become human? Surely just having a full set of chromosomes is not enough. As mentioned above, we all kill living cells on a daily basis that have a full set of chromosomes.
Does it have a soul? This is a question that I dare say no mere mortal is equipped to answer.
I think that it can be agreed that to begin with the fetus starts out as a single cell and after approximately 9 months becomes an autonomous individual. Somewhere between the single cell stage and the autonomous individual stage a fetus clearly needs to be protected as a human being. Prior to that point it is simply a lump of cells that is a potential human. Where that point is located is a topic best left for doctors and philosophers to debate. However, it is generally accepted that this point happens around the first trimester.
Whether one wishes to have this lump of cells that is likely to turn into a person removed before that point is a choice best left between oneself, one's doctor, and ones God.
2006-12-05 03:52:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I consider myself "pro-whatever the mother wants to do" because that IS her choice. Is that pro-choice? I don't know but it's what I believe. Yes, it's a human life and a baby from the moment of conception. Didn't we learn this in 6th grade biology class??? Yes it is murder. And yes if the mother decides to murder her baby instead of bringing the child into the world then that's her choice. Why is the issue even being debated?
2006-12-05 03:45:40
answer #8
answered by october g 3
I understand your position on Pro-Life, However the choice should always be left to the female. You asked if the embryo is considered Human? The will depend on the level of development it is at. Personally I would consider it Human after the second trimester. Murder? Do you consider consuming Chicken Eggs murder, of course not, not unless they are developed enough to see a form inside.
2006-12-05 03:46:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My thinking on it is this.... It is an individual decission. In my opinion it is an embro, fetus, then a baby (after birth). I do think there should be a "cut off time" for chosen abortions. 10-12 weeks. But now if there are SEVERE medical issues involving the fetus and it would not survive outside once born... then it is the mother/fathers decission to make on if they are comfortable with chosing to end the pregnancy. I feel it isnt my place to judge others or decide for others if that is right or wrong.
2006-12-05 03:43:28
answer #10
answered by kutskova29 3