Main Entry: 1stew·ard
Pronunciation: 'stü-&rd, 'styü-; 'st(y)urd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stIweard, from stI, stig hall, sty + weard ward -- more at STY, WARD
1 : one employed in a large household or estate to manage domestic concerns (as the supervision of servants, collection of rents, and keeping of accounts)
3 : a fiscal agent
4 a : an employee on a ship, airplane, bus, or train who manages the provisioning of food and attends passengers b : one appointed to supervise the provision and distribution of food and drink in an institution
5 : one who actively directs affairs : MANAGER
2006-12-05 03:29:14
answer #1
answered by Ralph 7
Main Entry: 2steward
Function: verb
transitive verb : to act as a steward for : MANAGE
intransitive verb : to perform the duties of a steward
Main Entry: shop steward
Function: noun
: a union member elected as the union representative of a shop or department in dealings with the management
It is also the root of the name Stewart....LOL....Ralph had it right, I just expanded with the other 2 definitions in the dictionary
2006-12-05 11:33:00
answer #2
answered by aidan402 6