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READ: Why do they conform and go with what society tells them is handsome / beautiful?
If they continue along this path, it won't be long before they are getting the white bleach out for their skin and using
blue contact lenses.
Do you want to dismiss this or do you understand this?

2006-12-04 18:31:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

9 answers

Actually skin bleaching is already a serious issue for some African Americans. They do it because how the media portrays humans. White, skinny (or buff for men) is supposed to be beautiful and anything else is ugly. Racism is still a big problem. Also style has changed some too, afros were more of a thing of the 70's.

I would work hard to change racism though. I think more people should embrass their heritage and be more respectful of others.

Check out this video. It's kinda sad, but proves the message I'm saying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGDMevuZZVM

2006-12-04 18:53:03 · answer #1 · answered by Chrys 2 · 0 0

actually if u did ur research african american were not the only ones wearing afros. afros came out in the 70s and everyone was wearing them. in this italian movie i watch it was made in 1976 and all the women were wearing afros. so cleary black was not the only ones wearing them. society tries to seperate certain things into one category when its cleary proven that everyone one else does it.

also the second part of ur question not everyone thinks like that bc we all know that beauty in the media is false. here you point out that blacks will start bleaching their skin and wearing contacts. well ur people are already doing that. by tanning ur skin, getting ur lips and buttocks bigger, and a million of other things. before you judge someone look at yourself first!!!

2006-12-04 18:41:25 · answer #2 · answered by superstar 3 · 2 0

I placed on an afro each time I take my hair out of braids for a speedy time. I consistently placed on it it with a scarf because of the fact I even have greater than a number of thick hair. that's no longer incredibly as much as Leela James' hair, yet close sufficient. If my hair is comfortable, that's somewhat previous shoulder length. All hair stylists study my hair to Oprah's huge follicles. I in simple terms have been given braids the day beforehand as we communicate, yet as quickly as I take them out, afro time. It took greater than a number of braveness the 1st time I walked out of my domicile with an afro, yet now I rock it! =)

2016-12-18 07:37:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who is an African American?
Which society?
Are you assuming that they all find Afros beautiful and are inhibited from expressing themselves and wearing them by society?
Do you think they all should (and can) wear afros?

2006-12-04 18:41:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's generalizing. I know alot of black people who wear afros, dreds, all kinds of natural styles. Me myself, i like change, so i go from weave to weave. =)

And personally, i don't know anyone bleaching their skin, and as far as colored lenses, i knew some girls doing that in h.s., but i don't see anyone still doing that now.

But to answer your question, all i can say is times have changed.

2006-12-04 19:07:51 · answer #5 · answered by SweetMahogany 5 · 1 0

Whatever dude, I love my afro! Now here are a few questions for you : why do caucasians tan? Why do asians have eye surgery to make them appear bigger? Why do women starve themselves to look like skeletons? Why do some have butt, boob implants?

2006-12-04 18:42:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

well some africans have that instilled in them that black isnt beautiful, while others just like that having a relaxer is much managable!!!

2006-12-05 04:23:17 · answer #7 · answered by champagne b 3 · 0 0

we wear what we wanna wear. why do whites listen to rap? your question is kinda crazy.

2006-12-05 07:19:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

we do

2006-12-04 18:46:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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