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Most of the surveys, etc. are supposedly free but then you have to select one or more products to try and give your credit card number. That is why I don't do those. I go through all of those lists, just to find that at the end of them, that I can not work or do the work, unless I purchase a product. How does a person avoid this? It all seems like a scam.

2006-12-04 11:27:54 · 3 answers · asked by just julie 6 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 answers

You asre right. They don't want your opinions. They want your purchase. They are scams that you should avoid.

There are some opinion ones that do not ask for money. However what they are doing if you do a survey is put your name into a drawing from which you have only a tiny chance of winning.

Any survey site that guarantees noticeable money for doing the survey is just a gyp.

2006-12-04 11:32:14 · answer #1 · answered by Rich Z 7 · 0 0

You've already figured it out. It IS a scam. It's been around for a long time but as soon as one person figures it out, there's a thousand more behind him who hasn't. Unfortunately, that's why these frauds continue to make money off the unsuspecting public.

2006-12-04 19:33:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you pay for the company who collect the list of the free to join paid survey sites.
instead of searching for free to join paid survey sites one by one, they just make it easier for you and save you time. you won't be able to find many on your own, it is very time consuming

I joined surveypolicy.com they provide you with a list of 600 paid surveys and mystery shopping plus a form filling software to help you fill information with a click of a botton. most of these surveys do not require you to buy anything.

I think it is worth it, i made my money back within few days and still getting paid surveys constantly.

good luck

2006-12-05 22:40:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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