sport shoe w/o socks& a sleeveless top.wear a cap if possible. Ejoy!
2006-12-04 04:30:14
answer #1
answered by kudos Qi 3
You need to wear shoes that have absorbent insoles or your feet will sweat and stick to the shoe. Sneakers with terry lining can be worn without socks.
You can however, purchase "footlets" which are socks that only cover your foot and don't go above the ankle. If you have trouble finding them for men, buy a large women's pair in black or navy and no one will know the difference. You can then wear any shoes that stay below your ankle.
2006-12-04 12:36:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
once you see the tattoo artist you should soon realize that what type of shirt you are wearing only matters to you and it shouldn't matter even to you. getting a tattoo is not fun at all it's noisey, painful and forces you to sit in usually uncomfortable positions for longer than you would like. then you get to heal your wound(your tattoo) maybe a month down the road it will be what you thought it would be. after all the salve, and itching but not scratching, there is one good reason to get a tattoo...because you want it. if you get it for any other reason, if you think it;ll make you any cooler or make you anything, you are dead wrong---all it will make you is you with a tattoo.
2006-12-04 12:41:39
answer #3
answered by polyesterfred 3
When you get a tattoo it's a good idea not to wear anything that is going to touch it for a few days.......what are you going to? You are a little vague about why you need help on what to wear.
You should put neosporin on your tattoo after you have it done. Keep it clean.
2006-12-04 12:33:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Jsut wear some low-tops. When I got my tattoos, I got really hot so I'd say wear a tank top.
2006-12-04 12:32:46
answer #5
answered by elise 2
How many questions have you posted today pertaining to what you're supposed to wear?
If you can't figure out your clothing situation on your own, maybe your mother should still be dressing you.
2006-12-04 12:33:44
answer #6
answered by *MissNic 4
A pair of those 'crocs' they r just like clogs but really fahionable
2006-12-04 12:34:08
answer #7
answered by kelly709904 3
Are u serious??? Did u not learn how to dress yourself?
whear what ever the hell u want your a big girl now
2006-12-04 12:33:27
answer #8
answered by sea_of_fire_and_dreams 2
But if you do wear your normal shoes with tennis socks.
p.s. Crocs aren't fashoinable
2006-12-04 12:35:26
answer #9
answered by Becky 3
go to the poor side of town and take a pair from the homeless guy/gal - he or she will never know
2006-12-04 12:27:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous