This pond scum wants his Mercedes back so he can sell it as a souvenir?
I'm sure the Princes will be over the moon
16 answers
asked by
Sir Sidney Snot
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MIke of course I really care! I wouldn't have asked the question otherwise!
22:43:13 ·
update #1
In answer to Columbo's question the Insurance company should pay him the market rate and then oversee it's destruction
22:44:48 ·
update #2
This is totally low and nore about making a quick buck. I wouldn't like to see the car she died in, and I don't think William and Harry would like it either. Even Mr Al Faed would not like that being sold off to the highest bidder. The guy should take the fair price offered by the insurers and then the authorities should oversee the destruction of the car so no-one can start selling bits on ebay, or let anyone get their hands on it.
2006-12-03 22:49:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The insurance company offered him the value of the car, nothing more. If he accepts it and the insurance company takes the car in somehow that car would find its way to the highest bidder. I don't think that somebody else should make all that money, at the end the car belonged to him, and even if you are a caring person you still wouldn't want to see other people becoming millionaires over the car that was your property. You'd rather have that money yourself. And if you think the insurance company should pay that market value, then you can think again. There's no way the insurance company will pay that kind of price only becuase of the kind of people that died in it.
2006-12-04 00:56:22
answer #2
answered by Luvfactory 5
Since the moment of princes Di's death everyone has been trying to make a fast buck off the back of the nations love for the person she was. From songs, books and now even the car she met the end in. They are all out for themselves trying to get famous or rich as the result of someones death is shameful.
2006-12-03 22:53:19
answer #3
answered by cookie 2
'Sick pond scum' does not do justice to the vile, putrifying piece of infected sub-human trash that does something like this.
The memory of Princess Diana is a beautiful one that I and millions of other people still hold dear. May she rest in peace.
2006-12-03 23:01:04
answer #4
answered by dawn 3
The insurance company should pay the guttersnipe the "book value" of this class of Mercedes, and then have the wreck crushed and recycled.
2006-12-03 22:52:58
answer #5
answered by PATRICK C 3
Look, he is French, Why the heck should he have an emotional attachment to Princess Di?
Don't be ticked off by him.Be ticked off by the sort of culture we live in where such an action makes sense to a lot of people.
What warped sort of culture are we living in?
I also have a sneaky suspicion that Princess Diana would find it hugely funny that the car she died in could command such respect!
2006-12-03 22:54:22
answer #6
answered by Christine H 7
my first thoughts were sick barsteward, but he does make a good point in that the insurance company or whatever scrapyard it would end up in would only sell it anyway, so why shouldnt he get the money?
the real question is what sick barsteward would buy it?
2006-12-03 22:42:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I agree with Richard those frogs those rifle dropping,cheese eating,surrender monkies are scum.
2006-12-04 01:22:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'd say tasteless instead of sick. Let his insurance company pay him what he is owed and leave it at that.
2006-12-03 22:50:18
answer #9
answered by Stammerman! 5
I'd say it's very greedy and distasteful. It's amazing what some people will do for money!
2006-12-03 22:50:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous