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they wanted a percentage of the bill, and when i didnt have it they shut me off, i thought that was illgal.

2006-12-03 22:30:29 · 4 answers · asked by katiewillis081761 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

proud 2ba. ***** is what i say you dont even know my situation, how dare you judge me miss high and mighty. better watch out,someday karma will strike and when it does i hope somebody is there to look down there pinched up nose at you , and make you feel like you just made me feel, when you have no ideal whats going on here,

2006-12-03 23:52:25 · update #1

4 answers

Surprise, surprise....

Electric Companies do not just all of a sudden turn off your electric without prior notice. The process normally takes at least three months with numerous attempts of trying to rectify the problem. You thought wrong.

You won't pay your electric bill but you have an internet connection. I'd say your priorities are somewhat messed up.

Well Katie... I've had my fair share of karma over the years, thank you very much. One thing I never did was expect a utility company to keep me connected for months on end if I didn't make an attempt to pay my bill. You see, I know for a fact that the electric companies will do whatever they can to work with you if they see you are making an effort to work with them. Obviously you were not. Before you get all mad at me for a mistake you made perhaps you should take this as a lesson and learn from it.

A computer and internet connections are luxuries. They are not necessities. If it comes down to me choosing between getting on the internet or me staying warm you can bet I'll be choosing heat. If you want to call my bringing the internet up being judgemental, so be it. I was just giving you an honest opinion. Sometimes the truth hurts.

2006-12-03 22:46:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Okay you did not pay your bill not even part of it. The only way it was not legel for the power company to turn off the power was if you were in poor health and had doctors notes to back that up or if you had small children. Those are the only exceptions. Obviously since you are on a computer you have paid your bill. Try paying all your bills on time and you won't run into this problem again.

2006-12-04 06:48:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

File a case against the electric compnay for oppressive acts against you for cutting off the power supply. There must first be a notice of disconnection even when their condition was not followed.

2006-12-04 06:39:47 · answer #3 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 3

Are you in poor health, if not you should be working to pay your way

2006-12-04 06:37:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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