First, calm down mommy.
You said this happened yesterday- you would know by now if anything was wrong.
Just take it as a learning experience and don't leave your baby alone on the high surface again.
Relax, you aren't the only one to have done this.
Babies are more resilient than we give them credit for.
EDIT: I just tried to email you but it said that your email hasn't been verified, so this is what I wrote to you:
Sweetie, it is just standeard procedure for CPS to be called after a fall, and it is nothing personal. Don't fret about this, you seem to think that there is something wrong, so go and see your doctor.
Think about it this way.
Imagine you are a child that has had countless falls and no-one was phoned about it- you could end up dead because you have been ignored by CPS, that's the only reason procedures like this are in force.
You have nothing to fear because you didn't do this deliberately. It WAS an accident, so no charges can be pressed against you.
Relax, and see your doctor :)
All the best to you and your little one.
2006-12-03 22:33:35
answer #1
answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7
Wow, everyone is being so kind.
Initially, I thought: You're a good mommy? A good mommy would see to it that if baby needed medical attention, baby would get medical attention, regardless of CPS being notified!
And then I thought....heck! A good mommy would see to it that if baby needed medical attention, baby would get medical attention, regardless of CPS being notified!
I'm guessing the baby is okay. I have a one year old daughter. I may be anal, but sheesh, she's absolutely the most important being in my life. I take her to the changing table and dag nabbit if there isn't any diapers around. I scoop my precious chub-a-love up and walk the two feet away to fetch more diapers. I don't even bother trying to make it two feet away, daring to see if she'll stay put. She's not replaceable.
Your lad, 6 months old and his head is swollen a bit. Geeze....I couldn't live with that unless a DOCTOR told me its just a bump and he'll be doing dandy in a few days.
Oh yeah, I do believe kids are resilient, thank the powers that be! However, it only takes one wrong position to land on, one wrong angle, one really shitty day to find out that baby is seriously injured.
So, forget CPS... Have your sweet babe checked out anyway. Stop with the panicky tone, keep yourself calm. Make it a point to be aware, every day, of every move you and baby make. Its not a chore or an exhausting task. Its love baby, pure love. Take care. I hope the baby is doing just fine.
BTW: I sleepwalk. I took a very nasty fall the night before last.On my way to the floor my ribcage slammed into the corner of a filing cabinet. I have some bruised ribs but, no outward signs of injury. Comprende?
2006-12-03 23:32:19
answer #2
answered by Renny 2
Okay, first Stop and breathe. Chances are your son is fine.
I know you feel like an idiot, but you're not. You're not a bad parent either. These things happen. Kids get bumps.
You need to check your son is tracking okay. Move a toy or your finger across the front of his face from one side to the other. If he follows with his eyes, he is tracking fine.
Next, look at his pupils. Do they look normal and round or do they look a different shape? If they look round, another check that he's okay.
Third, is he lethargic and just wants to sleep (abnormally for him)? So long as he is acting as he usually does, and the other two tests were right, he is most likely fine.
My daughter is the same age as your son and has had a number of falls. One from one of those upside down car seat holders in restaurants (that fell over when I turned it to take her out of the car seat to do a diaper change) twice off the couch onto carpet, and we've caught her at the last second from trying to wiggle off the side of the bed or roll of the changing station.
I asked my pediatrician about all of this because I was terrified. She told me the things to look for and said "have you knocked her head on the car when you're putting her in the car seat yet? You will."
At 6 months, your son is probably getting ready to crawl. Then he's going to bang his head into the wall, couch, tables, all kinds of things. The height of the table he fell off is probably the biggest concern, but if he's fine on all of those tests, he should be fine.
If you are still concerned, call your pediatrician in the morning. Don't go to the ER unless you think he is hurt. Your pediatrician will understand, and probably suggest you bring him in for a quick checkup, but chances are everything is fine. As you said, he'll have a little lump, but it will go away and he'll be okay. One other thing you didn't mention was if his head shook forwards and then back (like whiplash) that is the only thing that would really have caused something bad. But I don't think that would have happened if he went down on his front.
And remember, kids do things like this. You are not a bad parent! Just try to keep one hand on him next time ;) or better still do what I did and move the changing pad to the floor!
2006-12-03 22:43:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Please take your baby to the doctor to be checked. Not taking him after an accident IS medical neglect especially since you know you should. Everyone makes mistakes... who hasn't stepped away or turned their back for a second while the baby is on the changing table? However, to feel strongly that he needs to be seen by a doctor after a fall and not take him is Neglectful.
It's not good that this has happened before because it seems that you haven't taken precautions to prevent it from happening again. Since you know your son moves around a bit and is old enough to wiggle and fall off of surfaces place him on the floor. Get thick towels and change him on the floor. Keep a think towel in every room so that you can grab it and place him on the floor.
You owe it to your soon to protect him from your neglience. If he could do it, he would. He can't so you must!
Please take him to the doctor. Get him checked and take precautions in the future to prevent this from happening. If you can't prevent it than someone else like CPS needs to step in to help you learn how and see why you can't guarantee it to the best of your ability.
CPS does not want to take children. It's costly to the State/Local government. And the case must meet certain criteria. In a case like this, unless there is something else going on in the home that jeopardizes child's saftey, they might ask you to take parenting classes or a child safety class. Contrary to popular belief social workers don't want to take children out of their homes unless it's absolutely necessary (child is in imminent danger).
Think of child first...take him to be evaluated medically.
2006-12-04 01:13:49
answer #4
answered by Blackgold347 3
Don't worry about them taking you baby away! My doctor was telling me about these women who all went out to lunch with their babies and they had them sitting in the car seats but not buckled baby fell out and hit the ground and one of the other mothers called the office to see what to do (the baby was fine) and while she was on the phone another one of the babies did the same thing. We all do things! And don't let anyone here make you feel like their better than you. All parents make mistakes especially during the sleep deprived times! Just call your doc and have your babe checked out.
2006-12-04 03:35:53
answer #5
answered by addisonsmom17 2
It does not matter if cps wants to get involved...they mabye will just give you a strict warning this time. Your childs health is way more important. I understand that you are afraid they will take him away but they probably will not do that this time because they will probably just warn you. Take the baby to a walk in clinic and do not mention the previous fall..just get them to check him over and make sure hes okay. You need to be responsible and face up to the music and learn your god damn lesson already? Babies falls can be avoided and dont be stupid enough to leave you baby un-attended next time. Did they not tell you not to leave the baby for even a minute expecially if he is six months old???? I dont want to sound harsh but smarten up!
2006-12-04 07:54:01
answer #6
answered by jennyve25 4
I understand you not wanting your child taken from you and are scared cps will be called on you.I know of someone that happened to and they took her kids and I am a good mom and cps has also been called on us but nothing was founded.I am sure you are a good mom but you really should take him to the docter and just explain what happened.If cps is called all you gotta do is explain what had happened and more then likely nothing will come of it.But by not getting help for your son that makes you look like a bad mom.
2006-12-04 00:40:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know you are worried about CPS being called and you don't want to loose your baby. But you have to take him in. It probably isn't anything as serious as brain damage but he could have a concussion. Look for changes in his behavior, swelling, discoloration, hypersomnia ... things of this sort.
Above all else NEVER LEAVE YOUR BABY UNATTENDED especially on a surface where he is not secured!
2006-12-03 22:34:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pretty much, you need to decide which is more important; you 'looking like a bad parent' and possibly having CPS called or getting your child medical attention. Of course, as parents, we all make mistakes. If all it was was a mistake then you should have nothing to worry about. Good luck.
2006-12-03 23:06:54
answer #9
answered by ~Anna~ 4
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answer #10
answered by Anonymous