Not all asian's are thin,but if you're refering to Japanese or Koreans, or Chinese then the answer is yes.
For most Japanese, Koreans and Chinese, thier diet consist a lot of tea , not only green tea, but ordinary chinese tea and other's.
In China itself, thier main culture involves drinking tea, be it in the morning , noon or night, that's why you wil find the aged community still have thier slim figured maintain.
And not only that, Chinese community like to have thier martial exercises like 'tai-chi' as thier daily routine, which helps to prolonged thier lives by maintaining a healthy heart and blood circulation.
As for Japanese, thier slim figures could probably due to the raw foods consist in thier diets, like sashimi's and sushi's.
These diets help to minimise the oil and fats intake in thier body which resullted in thier slim figure.
2006-12-03 15:37:30
answer #1
answered by dun_give_ a_ damn 3
Not all asians are thin. My mans ex was a fat one 210 pounds!
It has to do with the foods they eat over there. Its all natural. And the green tea has caffeine which helps digest food faster and gives more energy.
2006-12-03 17:17:51
answer #2
answered by D...D... 1
Obesity is spreading to they Begin to more and more consume a western style diet of junk food. people who eat whole foods don't get fat. I worked at a health spa for some years and a member for 31 years. I know that if you eat right and exercise even just stay fit and trim.I drink green tea every day, it has much to offer the body. It may help keep a person trim.
2006-12-03 15:35:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
it's diet. I worked at a chines grocery years ago, and the asians I got to know snack totally different than anyone I've ever met. Never once did any of my co-workers pick up a candy bar. At home some of them kept a steamer of rice going all day, in case they wanted a snack. And I didn't sell a heck of a lot of bread either. Yea I'd say diet.
2006-12-03 15:29:20
answer #4
answered by bigclaire 5
You mean oriental or far east asians? Not Russians, or Israelis, or Saudi's, or Iraqis, etc.. cause they too are Asian and some are overweight...
I think those Far eastern Asians are genetically smaller than western hemisphere peoples... But they do also have traditionally better diet habits, like more vegetables, fish, not a lot of deep fat fried stuff. They have a harder work ethic also.. .. But times are changing... McDonalds has invaded t hem and if you'll notice their younger generation is getting fatter also... Poor things..
2006-12-03 15:29:44
answer #5
answered by Mintee 7
Stereotype...there are a lot of porker Asians just like there are chubbier people of all colors and creeds. It shows how the human species is solving a once global problem of starvation. Now we are battling obesity.
2006-12-03 15:29:48
answer #6
answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5
i would lie if i said that they eat less because, they dont but they just have smaller portions.
they actually follow the six small meals a day instead of the three huge meals.
the portion sizes in Asia is like a half/a third to the ones in the USA.
2006-12-03 15:47:47
answer #7
answered by Icing 2
Because most of thier food is boiled or steamed & they are very active unlike in other places where they eat anything fried & sit on thier butts all day & not all of them are thin some of them are quiet fat but very few of them it IS very rare to see a fat asian & also because they take good care of thier health too :)
xxx RuThiE xxx
2006-12-03 15:29:23
answer #8
answered by Nirvana FREAK! 4
yeah, they have a different diet. Actually, the rest of the world (not US) is pretty skinny. But the green tea is good for them (and you) too. they eat rice like crazy. and veggies and seafood.
2006-12-03 15:28:36
answer #9
answered by -- 4
well, it should be green tea(their most popular drink), there food, and the amount of food they eat. American love McDonald's, burger king , and we eat too much too we say "super size it:" meaning super size my belly. and Europeans are a lot skinny to because their culture says to eat as little as possible.
2006-12-03 15:44:34
answer #10
answered by ladiesanddrugaddicts 2