You should see The Life Of David Gale. It's very good.
2006-12-03 14:14:23
answer #1
answered by connorsmom 3
The Executioners Song, Monster, Take the Lead {Antonio Bandares} Schindlers List, Mommie Dearest, Labamba, The Buddy Holly Story, JFK, Walk the Line, Alive, Ali, A Beautiful Mind & the Insider {R. Crowe ] Erin Brochavitch, Hoosiers, Rudy, The Perfect Stranger , Ray
2006-12-03 16:05:11
answer #2
answered by heatherjam8 2
ï¼Battleship Potemkin (1925) - Eisenstein’s film, made in 1923, describes the mutiny of the sailors on the Battleship Potemkin, in 1905, which then linked up with the local population in Odessa.
ï¼Alexander Nevsky (1938)
ï¼Sergeant York (1941)
ï¼Ivan the Terrible (1944)
ï¼The Conqueror (1956) - movies about Genghis Khan
ï¼Reds (1981) - The 1981 history of John Reed, author of Ten Days That Shook the World and a founder of the American Communist movement, and his wife Louise Bryant. Starring Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson.
ï¼Salvador (1985)
ï¼The Mission (1986)
ï¼Romero (1989)
ï¼Glory (1989) - A History of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
ï¼Hoffa (1992) - Biographical drama on the late Teamsters Union leader, Jimmy Hoffa
ï¼Geronimo: An American Legend (1993)
ï¼Squanto: A Warrior's Tale (1994)
ï¼Jefferson In Paris (1995)
ï¼Ed Gein (2001) - Based on the life of infamous cannibal/killer Ed Gein
ï¼Der Untergang / The Downfall (2004) - Hitler in his final days in Berlin
2006-12-03 14:23:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Remember The Titans
Cinderella Man
I have not seen a bad movie that was based off a true story.
2006-12-03 14:18:54
answer #4
answered by Nicholas L 2
I really like movies that are true stories or based on true stories. They always make the meaning of the movie more meaningful and just more interesting to watch all the way around.
2006-12-04 04:49:55
answer #5
answered by babiangel 4
I loved Schindler's List
I also love true sports movies:
Remember the Titans
A League of Their Own
Eight Men Out
2006-12-03 14:19:33
answer #6
answered by Jessica 3
Jim Carroll had a cameo in the movie based on his early life 'The Basketball Diaries'.
Bufford Pusser had a cameo in the 'original' movie based on his life, 'Walking Tall'. He was shortly murdered thereafter.
I know there are many more but I'm not thinking too well at the moment ;-)
2006-12-03 15:55:40
answer #7
answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7
Love these kind of movies! They are the best.
2006-12-03 14:19:18
answer #8
answered by maww50 2
the most recent movie i saw based off of fact was "flags of our fathers". that was truly excellent and i must say that i enjoy films based from truth as well.
2006-12-03 14:19:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I loved "Eight below", but the real storry is much sadder than the movie one.
2006-12-03 14:16:26
answer #10
answered by celia3018 3