It could be. It has the atributes of some PDAs. It has a PDa format main menu and has a notefolio and contacts. However, it is a calculator first and a PDA second. If you are in a business, never try subsituting a Ti-89 for a real PDA. Get a Blackberry or Q. They're not that expensive and they act as cellphones and have E-mail capability. Ti-89 has neither. Its meant as a really great calculator, not a PDA at all. If you want to buy something from Ti that is closer to a PDA, buy a Voyage 200.
2006-12-03 06:18:51
answer #1
answered by Fredo 4
They can be. If you're going to use it mostly for calculating or running your own programs, TI89 will tie you over. HOWEVER, if you want to primarily use it as an organizer, mobile entertainment device (MP3 player, picture viewer, movie viewer, game player to a certain degree, and so on), or business tool, get a PDA. Don't forget they're available without a phone built in, too.
For which PDA, read on. First, the cheaper end. The main cheap (but still very nice) one is the Z22. It's basically an organizer that works with thousands of apps you can get off the internet. It's nice as a small or home business management tool or geek's best friend, but other than that, don't buy it. Hey, it's only $100, what do you expect?
If you liked the idea of an entertainment device, have a bigger business, or have the urge to run high-demand apps (LJP and such), the Palm Tungsten E2 is where you start. It has a good screen, has all the Z22's features, and adds more processing power and a suite of media players for pictures, movies, and music to give you some fun on the way. It has Bluetooth as well if you need it. If you want to buy SD cards to hold the music and such, there's a slot for them on the E2. It's $200, but really nice
The Treo 700P is essentially an E2 with a phone in it if you want a smartphone.
Into more? Now you must choose Palm or Windows Mobile.
For Palm OS, try a Palm TX or Lifedrive. A TX has all the E2's features, but has a bigger, really nice screen, and adds WiFi to the mix. It's a true power PDA! It will cost you $300 though...
If you want more storage space at the sacrifice of speed, look at the Palm LifeDrive. It uses a 4GB hard drive instead of memory, but that is usually slower than a TX at loading something. It costs a ludicrous $400 (Get a laptop instead!), so I'd stay away from it.
For Windows Mobile, don't ask me! Look around at various companies and see what you want! I'd still recommend the E2 or TX
2006-12-03 22:11:36
answer #2
answered by dashwarts 5