Pfft. It's okay. I have the books, the biography of J.K, an unnaproved 'exploring HP book', a giant HP and the SS flag over my bed, the movie poster of the third book, some Harry Potter Gryffindor Socks, Gryffindor Hat, the first two DVD's, The CoS game for GBA, the Sorcer's Stone game for Computer, two board games about it (The 1st book and Quidditch), and (this was actually a very long time ago) A pair of HP overalls, and As I type this, i'm watching GoF. So, I guess it's more than okay to me!
2006-12-03 03:53:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Harry Potter is a really good series of books. I don't really like the movies, because since the Chamber of Secrets, they have all been tinted with gray. Fred and George are my absolute favorite characters. They add humor to the movies, which I think is desperately needed, at least since the second. Beliefs... Is this about the book? Like what I predict happening from the sixth book? Just in case someone hasn't read it, I'll be sure to space it away from the rest of the text. I would suggest they stop reading now. (*******---I think Dumbledore didn't actually die, because there are sooo many ways he could've gotten out of it. The spell Avada Kedavra is a powerful spell, that involves total concentration. So if the caster thought of a spell to shoot a bolt of green light, but said the words Avada Kedavra, the killing curse wouldn't work. It would appear to, however. I figure Kreacher or Mundungus stole the locket, which will most likely turn out to be a Horcrux. Unfortunately, Rowling didn't say jack about what a Horcrux really is or how one is supposed to find out about it. So there's a lot of mystery there. And I figure Harry will live in the end, though if Ron and Hermione die before they actually have a relationship, I will feel completely gypped.---******) So, there you have it.
2006-12-03 16:38:09
answer #2
answered by Teresa 5
The big deal isn't so much about Harry and his pals as to what they practice. Close-minded folks everywhere are afraid of what they don't understand, and their fears are not justified. The Harry Potter series has been out for years, and to my knowledge there have been no muggle slayings, no hexed automobiles, no cursed jewelry or clothing making people ill, or anything like the engaging story that JKR has come out with.
She simply gave the world another playground for their minds to play as they enjoyed a good story.
Any behavioral faults developing in the world's youth has everything to do with how they are being raised, the amount and pricetags of the toys they're given, and little to nothing to do with the ficitonal literature they may decide to relax with.
Personally I think reality by itself is overrated, what would life be like without dreams and fantasy and imagined worlds to frolic in?
Even science has proven that we need our dreams to flourish in society, without them the body and mind become diseased.
Admittedly Harry and friends have a lot more magic available to them, than I would be comfortable knowing was available in our time and in our world. The possibilities for misuse could be staggering and devastating. Still just as the books are balanced by the demented power hungry versus the rational caring citizen practioner, so I imagine would be echoed here.
I very much look forward to reading the next (likely last) book and enjoying each film as it's released.
Just my take - J
2006-12-03 12:02:56
answer #3
answered by sagebella 5
I don't understand the controversy at all. There are A LOT of movies out there with witches and such in them. I don't get why Harry Potter is the only one to be singled out.
The movies are fun. The books are great. I like them..
2006-12-03 12:40:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I belive Harry Potter is a greaat book.
I know that it's fiction, and that it doesn't teach people witchcraft
(after all do you know any normal person that would get a wand and try to say vingardium leviossa and actually think it will work?)
And I think that all the people that think that the woman who wrote it is a Satanist, should get a life and find some other person/book/movie to hate
2006-12-03 11:48:57
answer #5
answered by teddy bear 3
When I was a Kid the folks at our church said E.T. was evil because his story paraleled the story of Jesus..when I was a bit older My brother loved the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon and the folks at our church informed us that Dungeons and Dragons was evil because wizards casting spells and magical knights HAD to be the product of dark forces, The a few years later my younger sister was really into Rainbow Bright and Herself The Elf, once again those wacky church folks decided only a child with a demon inside of them could be into those sort of things...the point is with THOSE types of people it will always be something..and they thrive on being as involved in other peoples affairs as they possibly can... in this years documentary "Jesus Camp" the woman at the cam makes a statement to the effect that in the Old Testament times, Harry Potter would have been put to death for practicing magic...what she forgets to mention is that in Old Testament times it was acceptable behavior to offer up your daughters to be RAPED by the good people of Sodom...somehow I don't think that would be OK by todays standards either. Sorry I've gotten off track...
2006-12-03 11:53:19
answer #6
answered by Greg B 4
I love it. Harry Potter is cool. Overall II like all the characters, it's realy cool.--Can't wait until the Order of the Phoenix comes out!--
2006-12-03 13:33:56
answer #7
answered by ilyy 3
I like Harry Potter ... Its fantasy, magical , expanding imagination ... I have all the movies and waiting for the new one to come out ... beliefs as in magic ... I believe things can happen if you really want them to happen ...
2006-12-03 11:49:08
answer #8
answered by common sense 3
Its a movie, out of Hollywood just like everything else. Its fiction, just like any horror, action, comedy, romantic story line. People wish fairy tales come true and happily ever after, but thats not really life. Just like Harry Potter is fiction.
2006-12-03 11:55:26
answer #9
answered by brezzy 4
i love harry potter! i especially enjoy harry potter with moaning myrtle in the bathtub!I like his pecs ;-)
2006-12-03 11:48:41
answer #10
answered by katee211 2