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And why Muslims and Jews hate each so much?

I know this is a huge question, any answer would be great however.

2006-12-02 15:36:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

After the Nazi holocaust in WW2 large numbers of jewish illegal immigrants from Europe invaded Palestine in an effort to set up a Zionist state.
They formed terrorist gangs and carried out political assassination (Lord Moyne in Cairo) and killed many people in the British Administration.
They took hostages and murdered them whenever a terrorist was executed.
They attacked the indigenous population of christian and muslim arabs and destroyed their villages and massacred the people.
The bloodshed became so bad that the UN passed a resolution giving some of the territory to the jews in the hope that they would give up their aggression.
The arabs were not consulted on this and rejected the proposal.
Just before the British mandate came to an end in 1948, the jews started the first arab/israeli war and seized as much territory as they could before the Arab League could react.
The arabs were driven off their land and into the refugee camps where they have been ever since.
Israeli attacked its arab neighbours in 1956 and 1967 grabbing huge amounts of new territory and , despite UN Resolution 242, has refused to give it back.
During all this time it has been supported by the USA and in the 1980s the French gave it the technology to develop nuclear weapons of which it now has about 200 hundred.
There will never be peace in the Middle East until the Palestians can return to their land.

2006-12-02 18:21:59 · answer #1 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 1 1

. Not that difficult to understand

Palestine Jordan and Iraq were in 1917 ruled by Britain meanwhile France was occupying Lebanon and Syria
then in 1936 Palestinian rebelled against the occupation and 250 000 Palestinians were expelled from the region
then in 1948 Britain agreed with the UN to let Jewish refugees from the second world war create a Jewish state in Palestine therefore we have a number of "agro" Palestinians who resents being first dispossessed and refugees in their own land. The Arab league disagreed at the time to the creation of Israel and this is why a number of Arab countries don't recognize Israel.

2006-12-02 16:05:02 · answer #2 · answered by joelle G 4 · 1 0

How would you feel if your region was taken over by an ethnic group on the basis of having lived in that area over a thousand years ago, and for this group to have the absolute support of a big bullying nation because the big bullying nation is itself being manipulated by the same group. And, any attempt by you to resist being screwed considered act of terrorism while the group's theft and torture of your people regarded as self-defence! By the way, too, anyone with a wee sense of justice hates the atrocities of the Jews who are involved in this crime against humanity, it isn't restricted to Muslims.

2006-12-02 16:12:35 · answer #3 · answered by peace m 5 · 0 0

1) Syria didn't want them.
2) Egypt didn't want them.
3) Iraq didn't want them.
4)Saudi Arabia didn't want them.
5) Jordan didn't want them.
6) They were basically tollerated to live in the area Israel now occupies.
7) After WWII, the Israeli's were given the land by...the western world.
8) Palestinians raised a stink.
9) Egypt, Syria, etc decided to "wipe Israel from the face of the Earth", so they lost and Israel took over more land from Palestinian inhabited - but not owned - land. The land was basically owned by the loosers of the battle.
10) Palestinians were really unhappy about loosing control of their land to the Jewish.
12) Israel locked up a lot of troublesome Palestinians.
13) Now, they want it all back without compromise. Personally, I believe the general populous on both sides just want to live in peace, but the extremists on both sides make life unbareable for all.

Now, who controlled the area originally? Good question. There's some research going on indicating that the Isrealites decended from, I believe it was, the Cannanites, who originally controlled the area.

But, like any good extremist, it's easier to try to drag others down with you than it is to expend your energy making your life and your neighbor's life that much better.

I wish peace upon them all. After all, it's really the kids that suffer on both sides. It's not their war...their parents are simply making it their war.

2006-12-02 15:54:34 · answer #4 · answered by narrfool 3 · 1 0

Muslims hate all non Muslims in general & Jews in particular. Jews hate people who are always trying to kill them. It has absolutely nothing to do with "occupation". Arabs have been murdering Jews in the Holy Land since at least 25 years before Israel existed & 45 years before Israel controlled Judea, Samaria & Gaza. Gaza has become worse since Israel withdrew. If you want an accurate picture of the Islamic worldview, watch Fox News "Obsession". Or just look around the world wherever Muslims come into contact with non Muslims, includung:
Jews in Israel.
Maronite Christians in Lebanon.
Hindus in Kashmir.
Buddhists in Thailand.
Catholics in The Phillipines.
Orthodox Christians in the Balkans.
Orthodox Christians in Chechnya.
Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Adherants to various indiginous religions in sub Saharan Africa.
& the list could go on & on.

2006-12-02 15:45:58 · answer #5 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 2

It started over fifty years ago, some say when the jews moved in the Palestineans left. Others say the Jews were aggressive, and took over[governing] Any way the Jews aquired the West Bank, Garze And Golen Heights, through wars, "defending themselves' winding up at one point occupying Lebanon Arafat being in Lebanon. It became the same song same verse, Israelis walking into and over their neighbors defending themselves.

2006-12-02 15:46:04 · answer #6 · answered by longroad 5 · 0 1

Muslims and fake Russian Jews!

2006-12-02 16:36:01 · answer #7 · answered by taco 2 · 0 0

Palestine and Israel has been going on for thousands of years.
Muslims and Jews is back to Abrahams sons. Abraham had two sons, one by his legal wife and one by his wifes maid servant Hagarth maybe I am not sure of her name, his wifes name was Sarah though. Sarah was unable to have children so she offered her maidservant to Abraham to have a child. A child was conceived and this was Abrahams first son, Sarah later conceived a child that God had promised to her when she was over 90 years old. The muslims believe that Hargarth (?) son is the eldest son of Abraham and therefore his desecendants should be the tribe blessed by God and favored. Jews believe that Abrahams son with his wife is the rightful first legal son of Abraham and his lineage should be the blessed and favored by God. The Quran is written from the point of view of the first son by the maid servant and the Bible about the son by Sarah. In the Quran I believe Sarah was jealous of the first son and cast the son and his mother into the woods to perish but God provided for them and the arab race thrived.

Ok Hagar was the maid servants name.

2006-12-02 15:45:19 · answer #8 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 0 2

the jews and isreal state o country is made past the 2nd war world in palestine territorie is a imposition and the muslims are verey angre because is your territorie

2006-12-02 15:41:39 · answer #9 · answered by ERIK AMBIA 3 · 0 1

Here is a good reference. This subject has much history and events that occur or have occurred have different interpretations as to what happened depending on which side is telling the story. In general - it is now a grudge fight. Palestinians bomb Israel and Israel attacks suspected militant sites.

2006-12-02 15:44:42 · answer #10 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 0 1

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