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be for chrishmas is there any easy way i can get money with out waiting 6 to 8 weeks?

2006-12-02 10:12:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Small Business

22 answers

Go around your area and ask people if they have any chores for you to do at about $4 or 5 an hour. Then do them well.

2006-12-02 10:15:19 · answer #1 · answered by Dovahkiin 7 · 1 0

1 - Baby sit.

2 - Shovel snow if you are in snow country.

3 - Help hang Christmas lights, there are a lot of single women out there that would love to decorate the outside of their house but need help.

These are just a few examples of easy and fast money for a 15 year old. Put your imagination to work and I'll bet you can add to the list. Good luck. I know it's not easy for a 15 year old to come up with spending money. I remember when my boys were 15.

2006-12-02 10:19:06 · answer #2 · answered by Vida 6 · 0 0

You might be able to babysit or mow lawns. Another thing you may be able to do is ask your friends, neighbors and family if they would be willing to donate their empty soda and beer cans to you...then you can turn them in for the money.
Try to remember that X-mas gifts don't have to involve too much money..you can write a sincere letter or poem to mom,find a picture of the two of you and have that mounted and framed. Usually you can get a frame at Dollar Stores or close out types of stores really cheap. Use your imagination..you can come up with really heartfelt gifts that don't cost a lot of money or time. Sometimes these really are the best gifts.
Merry Christmas!!

2006-12-02 10:18:50 · answer #3 · answered by yidlmama 5 · 0 0

You could do yard work like raking yards, mowing lawns, trimming hedges, etc. You could also get a little temporary job at a store tht accepts people under 18, like Dairy Queen. My siblings saw a 14 yr old working there.

2006-12-02 10:29:20 · answer #4 · answered by Johnny 2 · 0 0

Try babysitting, or being a mother's helper. Around the holidays, a lot of moms, especially ones with a lot of kids, can just use an extra pair of hands around the house even when they're home.

2006-12-02 10:15:59 · answer #5 · answered by lovebluenfluff 3 · 0 0

Put signs up around town (with parents permission) stating that you will do odd jobs for cash around town, say like, raking, shoveling, grocery shopping, cleaning, babysitting, etc etc. What I wouldn't give to see a sign like that in my town. If anyone calls ask them what they think would be a reasonable price to pay you. That usually gets them to think you are thinking of them and they might be willing to give you a good deal. Anyways, good luck.

2006-12-02 10:17:56 · answer #6 · answered by nease174 6 · 0 0


2006-12-02 10:14:12 · answer #7 · answered by amber 3 · 0 0

why dont you have someone take your picture,then get a frame at the dollar store.or you could give them all handmade coupons for htings like,cooking a meal,cleaning the house,doing the laundry,baking some cookies..if you really want to work get out there and start filling out applications.

2006-12-02 10:17:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should not feel the way you do... Most Guys, including me do not have a noticeable butt. Check it out next time your in public. I have always heard that girls like men with visible butts.

2016-03-13 01:48:00 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Check with neighbors for chores to be done, leaves to rake, snow to shovel, sweeping, cleaning, etc!!!!

2006-12-02 10:15:29 · answer #10 · answered by Elizabeth L 5 · 0 0

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