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Is it not sensible to Stop preaching Islamic brotherhood untill you stop killing your own people for religious reasons. (Shia and Sunni fights)

The truth and word of Quran. How can the truth and word of God can be misinterpreted?.

How can a person read the truth and word of God and kill the person sitting next to him and reading the quran. Is that the truth?

The followers of truth and word of God has created more troubles for others and for themselves than anyother sect in this world.

2006-12-02 05:51:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Dear Alicia a
This not the place to show your inferior complex( stating that you work in microsoft). You work with muslims, does not mean that my question is stupid.

2006-12-02 06:00:15 · update #1

11 answers

Well Muslims are a vast group of diverse people. Some of which I work with at Microsoft. Your question is stupid.

2006-12-02 05:53:52 · answer #1 · answered by alicia a 1 · 1 5

Did the violence in Northern Ireland between the Catholics and Protestants nullify the teachings of Christ? There has been a great deal of violence between various Christian sects and within those sects throughout the 2000 year history. And what about the KKK and other white Christian hate groups… Is that not also hypocrisy? Or the bombing of clinics, even the Oklahoma City bombing.

I find that the ‘truth’ in the word of God is always misrepresented. Everyone seems to think that only they understand the ‘truth’ of the word of God.

You are doing it now!

2006-12-02 06:24:25 · answer #2 · answered by yeeooow 4 · 0 1

The "truth & word of God are misinterpreted by followers of the Bible as well. There are billions of Muslims worldwide and there are ones who pratice what they preach and those that don't. All religions have a percentage of hypocrites as followers.

2006-12-02 05:56:13 · answer #3 · answered by carpediem 5 · 1 1

The biggest problem we face is the radical islamist cult. Unfortunately, they are so violent, crazed and blinded by their interpretation of the Qu'ran that the moderate Muslims are being pushed aside by their fanaticism. Moderate Muslims must regain control of their religion. If not, there will be WW III between the West and the new Islam. I hope it is not already too late.

2006-12-02 06:15:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Actually, the problem with radical "islamofascists" is that they do NOT follow the Qu'ran. The Qu'ran, believe it or not, preaches brotherhood towards Christians and Jews. Many Muslims do misinterpret or exploit the Qu'ran.

2006-12-02 06:03:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Not Muslims, Radical Islamic Murdering Extremists. True Muslims are peaceful people.

2006-12-02 05:56:58 · answer #6 · answered by dakota29575 4 · 2 1

maybe some muslims are "more equal" than other muslims

there are some moderate muslims, who preach peace, who preach against al-qaeda, and preach against the use of terrorism, and do you know what happens to these people? they are kicked out of their mosques IN AMERICA, and called not real muslims. this poor guy was in Oklahoma, the mosques are run by people who support terror. and kick people out who dont believe in terror.

dakota- then by that definition, muhammed himself wasnt a true muslim, he slaughtered the jews of khaybar and enslaved the women and children. muhammed practiced what he preached, death and subjugation. Islam in arabic doesnt mean peace, it means surrender.

Steve J- so muhammed was preaching peace and brotherhood to the jews of khaybar by slaughtering them and enslaving the women? what a wierd definition of peace and brotherhood that you read of in the koran. I dont like that peace and brotherhood stuff, if that is what it means.

AC- it doesnt use the term "innocent" people, but it does say anyone who doesnt keep things holy that are holy (IE a non muslim) is to be killed.

Sura 9:29-31, Muslims are commanded to fight Jews and Christians until they are subdued. Those who submitted themselves to Muslim rulers were to be subjected to a heavy tribute. The reason is because God's curse is upon them: "Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book [Christians and Jews], until they pay the jizya [tribute] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Jews call Uzair [Ezra] a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the Son of God ... God's curse be on them."

"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not (2:216)."

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful (9:5)."

In Sura 8:12,13 Muslims are instructed to cut the necks and fingers of those who opposed God and to never turn their back on unbelievers: "Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): 'I am with you: give firmness to the believers. I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off them. This because they contended against God and His Apostle. If any contend against God and his Apostle, God is strict in punishment ... O ye who believe! When ye meet the unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them. If any do turn his back to them on such a day –unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own) – he draws on himself the wrath of God, and his abode is hell, – an evil refuge (indeed)! It is not ye who slew them; it was God."

yeow- the irish "misinterpreted" passages that didnt exist. Christ never taught violence. On the contrary, muhammed himself prescribed the deaths, beheadings, and amputations of people who refused to convert. Muslims are merely following the leader. the christians who preach violence, do so without any justification.

محمد رسول الشيطان

2006-12-02 05:56:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The first two words answered your question
I would of said
Muslims intolerant, hateful, and a death cult of hypocrites
Then again I have no use for a religion that supports death and hate as Islam does

2006-12-02 05:55:06 · answer #8 · answered by Deport all ILLEGAL Alien INVADER 3 · 1 2

you shouldn't class all muslims as being radical terrorists. also in the quran it does not say anywhere that killing innocent people is acceptable. so therefore islam does not promote hate and violence!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-02 06:10:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

ok the reason is that in the qoran it says to kill, rape and burn all people of other religions they consider each other other religions

2006-12-02 05:55:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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