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ok so here r the questions, i just wana see how many pple get them ALL right...

1) How many girlfriends has Toby had?
2) is Paige's Brother gay?
3) What is Jimmy's last name? (on the show)
4) How many girlfriends has Manny had?
4) did emma ever go out with a guy named Chris?
5) Who was liberty's 1st boyfriend?
6) how many seasons of Degrassi The Next Generation are there?
7) How dose Ellie like her coffe?
8) True or false: Darcy is a Christian
9) How many girlfriends had Sean had?
10) Who are the two girls Craig cheated on?
11) True or False: Rick was the most popular guy and never did bad things, every one treated him like a saint.

Good luck!!!

2006-11-30 13:37:11 · 4 answers · asked by Truth be told. 2 in Entertainment & Music Television

i may have degrassi skills, but my numbering skills suck, so yeah there r actually 12 questions lol

2006-12-03 09:38:08 · update #1

4 answers

1. One
2. Yes
3. Brooks
4. None
5. Yes
6. JT?
7. Six (including this season)
8. Black?
9. True
10. Three (Emma, Alex, Ellie)
11. Ashley and Manny
12. False.

2006-11-30 14:05:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. One
2. Yes, he is dating Marco
3. Brooks
4. 4..girls as friends...Emma is her best friend
4. Yes, emma went out with Chris
5. Liberty's 1st boyfriend was Wheels i think...he was a shy black boy that hung out with Shaun
6. So far 6 seasons...season 6 just ended..can't wait for season 7 in Jan 07
7. Cream and sugar
8. True
9. 3...Amy, Emma and Ellie
10. Manny and Ashley
11. False....he used to beat Terri his girlfriend

2006-12-01 23:41:21 · answer #2 · answered by jark79 3 · 0 1

i love this show but im not sure how good ill do although i have seen every episode. i just have a bad memory.
1. kendra 1
2. yes
3. brroks
4. none
5. JT
6. 6 i think
7. black
8. true
9. emma, ellie, and sorta Alex
10. manny and ashley
11. wow, FALSE

2006-11-30 22:51:44 · answer #3 · answered by bugletti 1 · 0 1

1. 1
2. yes
3. Brooks
4. yes
5. Chris
6. 6
7. black
8. true
9. 2 on the show
10. Ashley and Manny
11. false

2006-11-30 21:54:13 · answer #4 · answered by snowbaby 5 · 0 0

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