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34 answers


2006-11-30 12:25:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Give everybody their own land and make only one law : "Do not interfere with anyone's rights." That should cover all current laws. The penalty for breaking this law would range from a fine to execution, depending at what level the law was broken. Theft would require a fine. Physical abuse which did not involve a death would reuire imprisonment. Murder would require execution.

There would be no need for governments or armies. Local communities would decide if a law had been broken and how it had been broken, but they would take care of their own and others if they could, but not interfere unnecessarily with others' lives.

Of course, it's all fantasy and probably wouldn't work. Failing that, I would cure disease, which sounds obvious, but many of the world's problems would be solved.

I think the most practical thing I could is use to persuade everyone to burn their money, daily performing money burning ceremonies by publicly burning million dollar bundles at various locations around the world.

2006-12-02 09:24:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Humanity? HAH! I'd buy an island somewhere, Hawaii perhaps, and live like one of those super-duper villains in the 007 movies. Lots of hot chicks, lots of great food, a doctor on call to keep my arteries cleared, a top of the line computer with a high-def screen the size of a football field, my very own PS3, a custom 747, a Harley-Davidson Road King, a cell phone that works all the time, and I'd kick everyone out of town so I can run the red lights without getting smacked silly by other cars. Oh yeah.......

2006-11-30 12:35:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

donate a good share of the money to

1-) research for cure for AIDS
2-) research for breast cancer/ other cancers
3-) charities that deal with starvation and poverty in third world nations- feeding the hungry is very important
4-) money for improving literacy throughout the world
5-) research and alternative methods of energy and fuel
6-) research and solutions for global warming

7-)I'm sorry but I love animals too! hence me being a vegetarian, I'd give some money to stop deforestation (if that were ever possible how wonderful would that be!) to help endangered animals, afterall there are less than 700 mountain gorillas in the entire world, not many orangutans, only in indonesia, 20,000 polar bears, these numbers are really small, and I'd give money to wildlife parks and reservations- afterall the animals contribute to the ecosystems and the balance of life on earth, which is a MUST for humans, but we don't realize it

And I would love to give every single person in the world a gift of any sort because 9 trillion dollars is a lot, and I'd love to see the people smile and give them hope, because life without hope is not life =)

I hope I don't sound too idealistic or naive =/

2006-11-30 15:12:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is copying i know ,but i would do the same like someone did for the poor people in India Give small loans to the poorest people who couldn`t get one anywhere else ,and allow them to pay it back with only a small amount of interest and in their own time .This gives them the chance to get on their feet enough to start a small business so they are able to feed their family or even to buy the equipment to grow food .Then when they pay it back(and they do practically no one has defaulted ) the money would still be there to help others in need .

2006-12-03 16:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by keny 6 · 0 0

Bury it.
That would be the best thing for the human race right now. Too much money means too many people buying too much crap they don't need and sucking up resources, polluting the air, and taking advantage of other people.
The best thing I can do for humankind is to not be kind to humans. They don't deserve it.
Someone needs to sit down and have a serious talk with the human race. Especially the bleached ones(If you consider that our DNA came from the tribes of Africa, then the rest of us are all just bad mimeographs of the refined results of evolution and cooperation with environments).

The questions to be answered start with
--"What do you intend to contribute to the universe?"
The rest are just management questions, but nonetheless just as important in their departments.
--"How much is it going to cost (the planet, the solar system, etc.)?"
--"What resources are necessary to pay for it?"
--"Can we do it at the scale/volume that we currently consume things?"
--"If not, who is going to decide what the support level will be?"
--"What are you doing to create a sustainable system for this goal?"
--"Who are the stakeholders?"
--"What is the estimated rate of return on the environment's investment(Are we going to save X number of species from extinction by asteroids?)?"
So far, all these answers are in negative connotations.
To put our species into the 'black', we need leadership like we have never seen before.
I suspect that we won't ever see it.

2006-11-30 12:29:49 · answer #6 · answered by auntiegrav 6 · 1 0

All the Good INTENTIONS are wonderful.

The problem would be with distribution and management. To set up whatever Central management agency and all the various sub-agencies and groups to ensure proper distribution and use would be an impossible task. Some where in the chain, graft would rear its ugly head!

2006-12-01 02:01:32 · answer #7 · answered by June smiles 7 · 0 0

I would donate it to help scientists learn how to make an alternative fuel. That wouldn't polute the air. No amount of science and health is going to help people as long as we keep pumping polution into the air.
So that the young people today can grow up and breath and the earths echo system won't be destroyed for us.

2006-11-30 12:28:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Invest in cancer research, in feeding the world, buy warring faction out of their weapons, support scientific research and education, support space exploration and aim for the stars.
$9E12 ought to be enough, that is 20 times what the US is spending in weapons and defence each year; and that money, invested wisely, would have a return on investment so it will foster more work and activities in the directions indicated.

2006-11-30 14:19:07 · answer #9 · answered by Vincent G 7 · 0 0

KnowhereM..., so you are saying that LOVE is going to help all of those people who are dying in third world countries?
I know it's idealistic to believe that people don't need money and all they need is love, but WE NEED MONEY TO LIVE. Sorry!

sickcrash, our own? We are all people of the world. I don't know about you, but I belong to a country and I belong to the world, meaning we are ALL people. Nothing makes me feel more loyal to help people here than I would people who need help in another country. What would make me feel more loyal to help someone would be if they NEEDED it more! People in the US do NOT have it bad compared to other people in other countries! I'm not at all saying it's bad to help the US, but I'm sick of seeing how un-American it is to have concerns about other countries than our own! The same thing goes with adopting children internationally..

Oh and to answer the question: I have absolutely no idea! I would donate it to many different things, but I would need to research SO much before I could even begin to think about that! So I won't even think about it until someone offers :)

2006-11-30 12:36:29 · answer #10 · answered by chokingmeup 3 · 0 0

I would contact walter reed hospital and find servicemen and women with missing limbs,etc.and help them function again.
I would contact hospitals for names of homeless children or kids with life threateninng diseases and grant them a wish.
I would set up a xmas foundation with a bank so each year underprivileged children would have a party and recieve a gift and books
I would contact a high school and set up a yearly scholarships for kids who get highest scores in a subject but who can't afford to go to college,they would recieve a a year's tuition
I'd contact a convalescent home and arrange for volunteers to come in to assist patients without families.
I'd contact a high school and set up a scholarship for underpriveleged girls to become nurses

2006-11-30 12:49:37 · answer #11 · answered by tootsie 2 · 0 0

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