I am doing an assignment on racial stereotypes...what are some racial stereotypes of East Indians??? i am indian so i don't really know too much about the stereotypes...So what comes to your mind when you think of India and Indians.
(if you want an example of what i mean by stereotypes here is one...many people think that us Canadians live in igloos)
So what are some stereotypes similar to that about Indians...tell me what you think!!!
12 answers
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Society & Culture
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I mean false stereotypes....like how people think that ALL Indians wear turbans or how ALL indians are taxi drivers!!
11:16:24 ·
update #1
Namaste, I have been to India many times. I love the country. People always ask why do you want to go to India? That is a difficult question for sure. The people are super clean. Its just that there are so many people that its over populated for sure compared to its size.One fifth of the world population living on a piece of land the size of Texas. The people are under extreame presure to survive under difficult conditions.Yet they are super nice and in good spirits. The idiot who said terrorist is a dope. Its as religious and peaceful as anywhere on earth. In fact its the religion that keeps it all together. If not for that it would come apart. But its so many different religions that makes this miricle happen. The people of the North, Punjab have a rep for peace, courage, being overly intelliegent and good with money. In fact intelliegent to a fault. The old joke about how many "poles" does it take to change a litebulb come to India in reverse.How many does it take to change a jet engine they ask? It takes one Punjabi. They make fun of them because they are so smart. Reverse slam. How refreshing. The people of the south India are said to be lazy. All over the world the people who live in hot climates are considered lazy. They just move a bit slower. Its dam hot! Indians are not dirty nor do they smell. I have traveled across the country overland in trains, buses ect and have never smelled anyone. Indians in Varanassi bath first thing in the morning each day in the sacred Ganges River. The river is loaded with sulfer, dead bodies and whatever, but the people are clean. They are peaceful people, not terrorists!!!! I wonder if that fellow even has a passporte. People of my country should learn from their hard working habits.Good luck with your assignment.
2006-11-30 11:34:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow, some people are idiots! She means people from India not Native Americans! Okay, so, some stereotypes about INDIAns is that they smell bad and they worship cows. Sorry, I hope that wasn't offensive to you. I don't believe in stereotyping people, myself.
Hope all goes well with your assignment.
2006-11-30 11:19:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Stereotypes of east indians? (this is for ones in North America)
1. The young ones have no respect for their culture or american culture
2. They are shady business people
3. They have no respect for women
4. They have even less respect for caucasian women
5. They expect everyone to respect their religion when none is shown towards others
6. None of them fight fairly, it's always "my cousin this and I'll get my cousins that"
7. Many think they are black (teenage guys)
8. Many of them drive around in vehicles all bling bling thinking they are SO great when really they don't know the value of a dollar because they've never worked a day in their life.
And don't get upset, but here's a personal theory of mine:
India has a cast system. If you were in a higher cast you'd never want to leave because you're practically royalty. So a lot of the lower casts come to North America for a "better life" but don't instill proper respect into their children. They act as though they can do WHATEVER they want because here there are no cast class holding them back.
2006-11-30 11:15:48
answer #3
answered by Cynthia 604 2
Whoa! I'll tell you that when I was in college I lived with two people from India, and they were/are some of the best friends I've ever had. I don't like stereotypes in any way, shape, or form. I'll stand up for my friends from India, as well as elsewhere anytime.
2006-11-30 11:19:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
prepared marriages, force taxi cabs, own gas stations and luxury shops, purely locate how you may change into regular practitioner, engineers, or perhaps attorneys. Oh and they scent like curry and are less costly lol. i do not believe those stereotypes, yet stereotypes do have some reality to them.
2016-11-28 02:34:08
answer #5
answered by faccone 4
They work at either one of two places- 7 Eleven or Dunkin Donuts.
2006-11-30 12:10:58
answer #6
answered by Alady2envy 1
Greedy price gougers. Shady and dishonest. They'd sell you a one dollar battery for $29.95 if they thought they could get away with it.
Hmm..............sounds a lot like most businesses. ☺
2006-11-30 11:31:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Dot Heads.
2006-11-30 11:11:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pony tails
2006-11-30 11:12:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
geeky, rich, wierd, crazy...
2006-11-30 14:08:22
answer #10
answered by mark v 2