It depends what type of circumcision is chosen:
-- In a tight circumcision, most of the foreskin is removed.
--In a loose circumcision, about just have of the foreskin is removed.
Nowadats is PAINLESS with anaesthesia. It takes a week to heal.
Now just a few lines on the benefits of circumcision:
CIRCUMCISION IS VERY BENEFICIAL, its cleaner and several research bodies have concluded that circumcised men have less risk of contracting STD's such as AIDS-HIV or herpes.
Uncircumcised penises are difficult to keep clean, and more prone to infections and penile cancer, studies have shown.
A circumcised penis is naturally clean and virtually free from urinary infection. You will not have to worry again with careful washing of your penis.
Is it NOT true that the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics) does not recommend circumcision. They simply say they leave the decision to parents. But recently, and specially after the New Zealand study, the AAP has been discussing if it may be necessary to change their policy and recommend circumcision to all newborns as they used to do, so in the future we may see that the AAP advocates again circumcision.
Have a look at:
About STD's:
As I said, several studies carried out by prestigious research bodies have concluded that uncircumcised penises are more prone to infections and contraction of STD's, including AIDS-HIV. Circumcised men have been proved to be up to seven times less likely to be infected than those who are uncircumcised. Have a look at this site:
As for women, studies also show that circumcision also protects female partners from AIDS-HIV and other STD's. Browse this article:
About sensitivity of a circumcised penis:
No medical or physiological study has proved that circumcision reduces sensitivity, opposed to common belief. The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) confirms this on their web site; have a look at:
Circumcision is an easy and nowadays painless procedure, which has many benefits, and virtually no risks.
Circumcision is NOT an amputation. Circumcision is NOT comparable at all to female circumcision, which is something completely different.
Circumcision rates are INCREASING nowadays, both in the United States and overseas. Many African and South American countries with little circumcision tradition are starting to promote the procedure to help to reduce the AIDS-HIV infection rates.
2006-11-30 09:29:30
answer #1
answered by Scuba 3
This Site Might Help You.
Medically speaking, is the entire foreskin removed during circumcision?
I'm curious about the actual procedure, and whether or not the entire foreskin is actually removed. Is there any documented pain? or pain control? How long does it take to heal??
2015-08-18 21:47:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
depending on the doctor the baby will probably either have a gomco or plastibell circumsicion. There is also one called a mogen (check spelling). The gomco and mogen use sterilized surgical devices and a portion of the foreskin is removed. Vaseline gauze will be placed on the tip of the penis for a couple of weeks until healed. The plastibell is a plastic right placed tightly around a portion of the foreskin that allows that part of the skin to fall off within a week or so. No further care is needed. Most babies tend to cry more with being strapped down than with the actual procedure and some doctors use lidocane first. In my opinion the lidocane is just one more stick and burn than is necessary, but some doctors and parents prefer it. Most nurseries have a concentrated sugar water medication to give the baby after the procedure that is like a pain killer/relaxant for infants. That along with swaddling and holding/rocking the baby afterwords works pretty well with reducing pain.
2006-11-30 10:14:56
answer #3
answered by trlyblesst 2
We debated having this procedure done, and I know there are people who feel strongly one way or another. Here is my account without any judgment as to whether or not it's necessary.
The amount removed depends on the doctor. I have a friend who has two sons with different looking circumcisions. You should choose the doctor who will perform this procedure and not just let whoever is on call handle it. We got referrals from my OB/Gyn beforehand.
I witnessed it when my son was one day old. They gave him a little sugar water and an injection for the pain. The injection was the part that seemed most painful.
He wasn't pleased with the general invasiveness of the whole thing, but to be honest, it didn't appear to hurt him after the injection. The whole foreskin was removed, and it healed nicely within a week.
2006-11-30 09:12:15
answer #4
answered by eli_star 5
only the foreskin is removed. No skin beyond it should be taken.
They have no found that the baby responds to the intial procedure with pain, it does however cry and fuss and scream and yell because its naked, cold, and mom is not there.
Local anethisia is administered to the base of the penis via an injection, which completely blocks the entire organ of any nerve impluses, resulting in complete lack of feeling.
A special ring is placed around the head of the penis, holding the foreskin. And in one simple motion a special knife is used to cut off the entire foreskin all in one go.
Thats how its done medically. Ive seen pictures of the procedure done, by what iam assuming is a rabbi or something like that, because its snipped away piece by piece. In all the hospitals in my area its NOT performed in that way.
The whole ordeal takes 5-10 minutes, the most of that being restrainding the baby, cleaning the area, and getting the foreskin ready.
The actual bloody part of the procedure takes a matter of seconds.
They send you home with a numbing antibiotic cream to keep on his little wee-wee. It heals in about 5 days, atleast the open rawness does. I think it takes 14 days to heal completely.
2006-11-30 09:04:14
answer #5
answered by amosunknown 7
Yes, the entire foreskin is removed. And yes it is painful: not only at the time it is done but for several days thereafter it will feel pain if anything such as a diaper touches it. Each baby heals at his own rate. It usually heals completely in about two weeks. Babies received nothing for the pain when I worked in the hospital.
note: It has been thought that a woman whose partner is uncircumcised has a higher chance of contracting cervical cancer. Opinions on this may differ from physician to physician
I assisted in one circumcision for a doctor, whom I never assisted again. He must have been drinking the day he did the deed, for he accidentally cut off half of the penis head. That poor baby.
2006-11-30 09:08:11
answer #6
answered by grandma's spirit 3
It depends on the person performing the circumcision, sometimes almost nothing is removed (true of many Jewish circumcisions), sometimes the whole thing is removed.
Ummm if you thin slicing off a part of the body, particularly one with rich in nerve endings can be done without pain you go right ahead an cut off a part of your penis.
Even if the baby were to be given adequate pain killers during the procedure it would hurt for days if not weeks after wards and they are not generally given post operative pain killers, and if they are it is only low dose Tylenol as painkillers are dangerous to babies. So, like I said cut of a piece of your own penis and take only a low dose of Tylenol and let us know.
An open wound in a diaper, a fair amount of time. I believe 1-2 weeks before you can stop treating it with ointment (without ointment it will stick to the diaper, but is that fully healed? I think not.
2006-11-30 09:00:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both virus types can cause sores around the mouth (herpes labialis) and on the genitals (genital herpes). Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
Cold sores sometimes called fever blisters, are groups of small blisters on the lip and around the mouth. The skin around the blisters is often red, swollen, and sore. The blisters may break open, leak a clear fluid, and then scab over after a few days. They usually heal in several days to 2 weeks.
The herpes simplex virus usually enters the body through a break in the skin around or inside the mouth. It is usually spread when a person touches a cold sore or touches infected fluid—such as from sharing eating utensils or razors, kissing an infected person, or touching that person's saliva. A parent who has a cold sore often spreads the infection to his or her child in this way. Cold sores can also be spread to other areas of the body.
Luckly there is a cure for herpes
2015-01-25 09:06:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't take long to heal but your removing parts of his healthy erroneous penis. He's suppose to have it and it shouldn't be cut off. Whether or not I freeze my babies healthy finger and cut it off or freeze his head and hit him in the end, just because he's not feelin it does not matter. His penis, like any other body part, is his and there's nothing wrong with it. If they spent more time researching how to care for the rare problems that come along then we would have rare amputations just like we have with any other kind, such as a girl i knew who recently had to have her leg removed, she's happy she did it and if she then told me that everyone should have their leg removed to prevent this and that then i would think it's ridiculous, no differnt then i do about removing healthy penile skin. Especially in the states where so many people are ignorant towards a normal penis and how to care for it as a result of some stupid rumour which started in late 1800's as a good way to prevent masturbation and it's gone on from there. the whole aids/std's thing is not penis's fault it's lack of education or sleeping around with too many parnters or with ones you dont know. Leave babies penis's in one piece how it's intended since creation of humans. the tighet the cut the more healthy, errogoneous skin is cut off. The head is still attatched to the foreskin and must be pulled off, similar to a nail being pulled off a finger, the penis is still in development stage.
2006-11-30 15:21:30
answer #9
answered by Mat 4
With my son they left part of the skin on. It depends on the doctor. We researched the different types of procudures and decided we wanted to keep as much as possible. This way he keeps his nerve endings and sensation isn't lost. As well as gains the benefits of the circumsision itself.
There is pain. Most doctors use anstetchics...some type usually a local as it is best at blocking out the pain. Be sure to check because in some states the procedures vary and they do it without any pain meds!!
By the two month check-up he was all healed. We just kept it clean (each time I changed a diaper I cleaned with warm water) and vasaline and a little piece of gauze). It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
2006-11-30 08:58:43
answer #10
answered by Baby #3 due 10/13/09 6