If there IS an Area 51 and aliens DO exist at it... would you want aliens roaming the world?
That's exactly what would happen because upon proof of existence, every Rights group out there would declare that Aliens being locked in Area 51 is inhumane. Maybe even an Alien's Rights Group would be formed. ARG!
2006-11-30 11:06:17
answer #1
answered by jesser312 2
I live 90 miles from what people call area51, groom lake or dreamland is what it is called now. I have never seen anything that makes me think they have UFOs or Gery's out there and I was able to go when you could climb a Small mountain and see it clearly. There, at one time, might have been something there, but it as long been moved. The government keeps PR up denying anything is there to make people think something is there and will not go looking for where it really is. Think about it they could just let the media in and take all the pictures they want of nothing and prove it, they don't because they want to keep the mystery going.
2006-11-30 08:28:15
answer #2
answered by raven blackwing 6
because freaks who want to be part of the Alien nation would be crawling all over the place. There is also an airbase there where it has to be kept secret. area 51 is not on any map, it has no GPS read from the second you walk in to the second you walk out. the creatures are not what you'd think and they wouldn't be seen in daylight and it's impossible to have a movie about it when you need high security clearance to get in and get out. if you don't have clearance to leave you won't leave. Most personnel have to go through months of training before being allowed in and they usually will not leave unless honorably discharged or they retire and if they do retire it's only because they've seen enough crap to last them a life time. Take it from someone who knows. My dad worked at Area 51 with my uncle and they would be gone for months on end because of some secret. Each plane has at least seven rendezvous and then have to be picked up by a jet from area 51 it's self.
2006-11-30 05:32:13
answer #3
answered by juniorteen312005 2
Because Area 51 is a top secret aircraft facility not a place for storing martians or whatever kind of crapola is popular with the foilhatters. America has alot of enemies like Kim Jong Il and Osama Bin Laden who would get a huge 13 inch ***** just to catch a glimpse of what goes on in there and try to make a copy for themselves. We obviously cannot defend ourselves if our enemies know all we do. All presidents have done the same not just Bush.
2006-11-30 16:27:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
if its the famous alien autopsy video, it was admitted to be a hoax in the early 90s by the man who made it, on his deathbed. If it's another video, it's probably even more fake, at least that guy actually worked there for a while.
However there is a now shut down military base in the Nevadan desert in the area 51 that supposedly doesn't exist. The bunkers and surrounding area contain high levels of radiation. I have to think the government is laughing their collective *** off about the alien thing because it took the focus off of whatever illegal radiation experiments prompted the government to claim the base doesnt exist.
2006-11-30 08:30:50
answer #5
answered by The_Ravyn_Warrior 1
If it's the same movie I'm thinking of, the PRODUCERS THEMSELVES admitted it was a fraud a few years after it came out. There is A LOT of convincing looking things in the media, that, if you check out the sources of, you'll see the evidence isn't so clear cut as it's presented to be.
A case in point is the survey from the 70's (recently touted by Rev. Chuck Missler) that supposedly indicates FIVE MILLION Americans have been abducted (by aliens). His film clip was so convincing I might have believed myself, except I researched the survey itself. It was evidently based on five questions that didn't seem to even have a whole lot to do with alien abduction at all. The whole thing was totally surmised.
The religious right has been trying to subliminally scare people for a long time. This is an old thing in a new shirt.
2006-11-30 05:37:09
answer #6
answered by Nancy A 1
It is not only G.Bush, But every President since the conception of area 51. Has maintained the secrecy of area 51, There is a bunch of information out there about area 51, Some of it is true, and some of it false. One of the main things that is very important pertains to National Security. That kind information is very important to keep secret. If for no other reason than to protect us from the enemies of America..... I also strongly believe that several flying disk's have been taken there. But again is it kept secret from us to protect us from our-selves and total panic or a place where our Government developer's create weapons from what they have found on those disks.... Only our Government knows for sure................
2006-11-30 05:36:34
answer #7
answered by kilroymaster 7
Because George Bush was cloned at area 51
2006-11-30 05:13:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
George Bush is a moron. He chokes on pretzels and can't pronounce "nuclear" properly. Would YOU tell him about Area 51?
2006-11-30 16:42:00
answer #9
answered by happydog 5
national security has a lot to do with some of the secrets and I can understand this reasoning, at least to a certain extent.
2006-11-30 05:41:25
answer #10
answered by Marvin R 7