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Many years ago, in our high school phys ed class, we played a game occasionally that was a combination of American football and soccer. Can someone tell me what it might be called.

It was played on the football/soccer field. If the ball was in the air, it was an airball, and you would advance down the field by throwing the ball between teammates. Scoring a "touchdown" by forward pass was worth one point. At any time, a player could punt the ball through the football field goal uprights for two points. If the ball touched the ground, then the game was played like soccer, and a soccer goal was 3 points. If, when in soccer mode, a player caught the ball in the air, it was an airball again.

I was just wondering if this was a real sport somewhere, or if the PE teacher just made it up. Any ideas?

2006-11-30 04:27:46 · 3 answers · asked by Bryan 2 in Sports Other - Sports

3 answers

It sounds a lot like Gaelic Football...played in Ireland

2006-12-04 00:51:31 · answer #1 · answered by cariocecus76 1 · 0 0

Sounds like Austrailian Rules football.

2006-11-30 04:30:09 · answer #2 · answered by Steve H 5 · 1 0

Never heard of this before..Your teacher probably made this up.
There is a sport called "handball" in wich you dribble the ball like in basketball but shoot it in the goals like in soccer..i thought that's what you were asking for.

2006-11-30 04:33:15 · answer #3 · answered by David B 1 · 0 1

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