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Now i know that soposidly somewhere in the bible it says that god hates them (i've looked and never found) but to actually outlaw people being happy and being able to show that they are in love and want to be together? What the hell is wrong with you ppl? didn't u at one time belive that black and white ppl shouldn't be toghether cuz god didn't like that either??? but now thats all over the place!!!come on really HOW DOES IT HURT U THAT THEY GET MARRIED? Not god but U

2006-11-30 03:39:37 · 26 answers · asked by sarah 5 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

ok let me add this i did do spell check and it said that there where no mis spelled word i know i can't spell but plz keep to the question

2006-11-30 03:48:48 · update #1

i mean the ppl who oppose it and when i say black and white ppl being together i'm talking about 1800-1950 not now nobody says thats wrong i just hope the same thing happens, i'm just saying i don't understand why my friends can't get married...

2006-11-30 04:00:04 · update #2

i alos know that Christians and Catholics are pretty much the same thing but i do sadly have a few friends that like to argue otherwise so i just put both out there so not to have ppl freak out as they already are doing over a simple guestion and still i don't care where it is in the bible i just want to know how it hurts u why u think that 2 ppl can't get married that love each other just cuz they are the same sex

2006-11-30 04:26:02 · update #3

one more thing guys think about this MOST men think two girls making out and having sex is "hot" does that not qualify as homosexuality?

2006-11-30 05:00:56 · update #4

26 answers

It's not only Christians and Catholics that think that way but anyways, I am a devote Christian and I think that some Christians have tried to take the role as God. God gave everyone that right to choose and God understands that everyone is not perfect, not without sin, and wants his children to be happy. Therefore, I have no problem if they do or don't get married. I think that those Christians out there that believe they are the ones without sin should cast the first stone because everyone here is a sinner and should not cast judgment. They need to grow up and stop acting like they are God.

2006-11-30 08:11:52 · answer #1 · answered by cocoa198517 2 · 1 0

I am a heterosexual Episcopalian and I think all of that mess is a crock…I think that gay and lesbian couples should have the same rights as everyone else. And when I think of this topic I think…there we go again crossing that church and state line. Why do they even say it…We don’t follow it, somehow it’s always a little blurry. I personally believe that you can’t help who you love and as long as you’re not some grown up dating a child more power to you… love who ever you want. I think it’s so sad that they think they should have the right to tell someone you will never be able to marry the person you love or if something happens to them you will have no say, and then they let the family that turned their backs on this person for loving who they love make life altering decisions.

reeree: I'm sorry there is a difference between Catholic and Christian..though Catholics are Christians they are not the only Christian religion.

2006-11-30 11:55:52 · answer #2 · answered by anya_8884 2 · 2 1

It does not say in the Bible that God hates people that choose to be homosexual, what it says is that No homosexual will enter into the kingdom of heaven. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

also read Leviticus 18:22
Genesis 13
Leviticus 20:13

Also, when God created man he saw that Adam needed a help mate therefore he called forth all of the animals and found no suitable match. Therefore he created the woman out of Adam (notice that he created a woman as his suitable match)

Let me add this in because I did research, when homosexuality came into play the rate of AIDS was raised to a much higher level.

On another note, because I am a christian and God does not see it as fit, that is what is hurting me about it. Knowing that God has such a great plan for you and everyone is the key thing to remember. Pray about it and see what he tells you.

With much love
For His fame,

2006-11-30 12:00:55 · answer #3 · answered by mrsdycus 2 · 0 2

The verse you're looking for is in Leviticus. That is also the book that says don't let your wife in the house when she's 'unclean' (on her period) and don't have meat and dairy in the same meal. That means means eating a cheeseburger is a sin. Christian people need to follow the words of Jesus who said pull the board out of your own eye before you pluck the splinter from someone else.
I have never suggested that churches be required to marry gays, they're entitled to their beliefs, but gays need some kind of recognition so they're not treated like second class citizens. America is supposed to be about legal and political equality.

2006-11-30 11:56:37 · answer #4 · answered by nursesr4evr 7 · 2 1

People that object to this always just quote the bible. God says it's wrong. But try to find out what they really think about it, it's difficult.

The funny thing about it is that most of the people that do this are not living according to the bible either. I am almost certain that most don't pray before every meal (which my friends do), follow the ten commandments, give ten percent of their GROSS pay to the church in tithings, etc. etc. When they see a homeless person on the street begging for money, how many of them give that person money? Shouldn't they be "doing unto others as they would have them do unto you?"

I'll get a lot of flack for this, but it's true. Most people think going to church shows that they are true christians / catholics / etc, etc, but really, it's about what they do outside the church that tells us whether they truly are or not.

2006-11-30 11:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by tipper 4 · 3 1

well, to start with....Catholics ARE christians.....they're not 2 seperate things.
I was raised catholic and have absolutely NOTHING against gay people marrying each other. yes, I was raised to believe it was a sin. but I was also raised to believe "do not judge" and that every sin is equal. I'm a sinner, so I would never shun someone else for their sins. if two people of the same sex want to marry, it's not my place to stand in their way. and yes I have quite a few gay friends.
secondly, I don't recall their ever being anything religion wise against black and white people being together. that's a personal opinion amongst different people....and yes, some of those people call themselves christians.
you say that you couldn't find in the bible where it speaks of God's condemnation of homosexuality (btw, God hates noone, he condemns certain actions though) you obviously didn't look too hard because there's quite a few places that mention sexual perversion and other such things. do a search on yahoo, if it helps.
it sounds like you just wanted to go on a rant. which is all well and good. it's good to have things that you believe in and stand up for, but a word to the wise.....it helps your cause a lot more if you educate yourself a little bit about what you are ranting about.
let me make clear though, that I agree with what you're saying about it SHOULDN'T be against the law for homosexuals to marry.

2006-11-30 11:58:00 · answer #6 · answered by reeree 2 · 1 4

The Catholic Church believes that God himself is the author of marriage and has created it for one man and one woman.

The Church further teaches that being homosexual is not a sin but that all single people (heterosexual and homosexual) are called to celibacy.

What civil governments decide to do is up to their citizens and the constitution of the country.

But the Church has a commission from Jesus Christ to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, ... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

In obedience to this command, the Church has been telling world governments what it believes is right and wrong since the time of the Romans.

With love in Christ.

2006-12-01 00:19:02 · answer #7 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 1

ouch! ^^ dont get mad at all christians(and catholics of course because that what they all are..chrisitans) im catholic to be more precise and i dont necesarily oppose gay marriage. I have think that if they get married it because they love each other, and im the kind of person that thinks that people should be accepted for who they are..and that is not something they can change its just who they are...and they're just people like everyone else. now

im not sure what it says in the bible about it or what God may think(who knows) i think that God accepts them for who they are because it does say in the bible that he loves us all equally, no matter what..and he is the ONLY one who accpets us as we are with all our defects and stuff...
so i dont oppose gay people being together or getting married, after all its their life..it doesnt hurt me at all

and im not racist either..nor my family, so we never thought blacks and whites couldnt be together o.o

2006-11-30 11:52:54 · answer #8 · answered by DisenchantedMe 2 · 2 1

You GO GIRL!!!

I have 2 very dear friends who happen to be gay. They both know there was something different about them when they were only 4 or 5 years old.

I've always been told that GOD forgives for any sin, as long as you ask his forgiveness.

Your so right................it's in the bible that GOD is the judge, not you close minded folks who have no idea what others go through.

2006-11-30 11:45:05 · answer #9 · answered by peggin_beast 6 · 4 2

I think being gay is just being a person who has a different thought on life. They're just people.

God doesn't categorize people.

And God does not hate anybody! He loves all of his children, whether they believe in him or not. God will always love all his children.

It does not hurt me, it does not hurt God. God gives us all free will. He put Jesus on Earth to die for our sins. To cleanse us from eternal hell. Sinning does not hurt God... everybody sins.

From what I understand or beleve is that Jesus protects us from hell by cleansing us of sin and when people abuse the act of Jesus... it is like taking him for granted.

I assure though that God loves us all.

2006-11-30 11:59:23 · answer #10 · answered by I am Crystal S. 5 · 3 1

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