Hey i am in love with your bf - when did he start likeing girls ??
2006-11-30 03:03:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You could be wrong, it's hard to tell with moms. But if you are right, it sure makes for a miserable relationship when you don't get along with the family. Depends on him though too. Is he a momma's boy? You could always try to win her over. Bring her little gifts (nothing to elaborate) just thoughtful things, or help her clean the kitchen or something. That would 1. impress him 2. get in good with her. I bet if you tried you could find a way to feel better about the situation. Act mature, nothing is worse than a silly, stupid girl.
2006-11-30 11:07:03
answer #2
answered by Becky F 4
If the relationship gets to be serious, marriage serious, then it could be a problem. Families can put such a strain on a relationship. If his mom hates you, your man might want you to "Change" so his mom can accept you. That is when the real fun starts.
My suggestion is if you are just going on dates and having fun, don't worry about it too much. If it gets serious, then you let him understand that his mom doesn't have to like you, just respect you. If he tries to change you so his mom can accept you, RUN AWAY!!! And don't look back!
2006-11-30 11:09:56
answer #3
answered by Kenneth C 6
omg i have the same feeling, my bfs mom or dad never talk to me, all she says is hi thats it and we have been together for over 2 years. before it would bother me but not so muce now
listen u love ur boyfriend he loves u and that all that matters
theyre gonna come around eventually just give it time
2006-11-30 11:02:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It could be.
What reason would his Mom have to "hate" you? Hate is one powerful emotion and I find it unlikely that a person would hate another unless there was a legitimate, significant reason.
2006-11-30 11:02:30
answer #5
answered by kja63 7
Don't try too hard to make her like you. Just be yourself. If she likes that then cool. People can usually spot someone being fake a mile away.
2006-11-30 11:03:14
answer #6
answered by Kelly 2
It depends upon how close he is with his mother. If he's not close, then it's merely an inconvenience. If he is close with her, then it probably means he'll break up with you sooner or later.
2006-11-30 11:21:11
answer #7
answered by Karen L 3
you r not gonna date with his mum so there is no problem with it I think.Just try to be well with his mom everytime ,that might let her to like you by time.Don't worry about her ;)
2006-11-30 11:05:51
answer #8
answered by lonelilly 2
its a real one
2006-11-30 14:53:35
answer #9
answered by bnbnbnb123 2