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i need the material for it

2006-11-30 02:57:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Physics

2 answers

Attach a bare wire to each terminal and dip the ends of both in salty water. Bubbles will form near the wires as the electricity breaks the water and salt molecules into their constituent gaseous elements.

By the way, with salty water you will get hydrogen and chlorine, but not oxygen. The salt is needed to make the water conduct electricity, but it also prevents you from getting oxygen gas from the water. You can do this experiment without the salt, but you will need WAY more than 9 volts. In that case you would get oxygen.

2006-11-30 03:31:05 · answer #1 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 0 0

Take a glass of tap water and make it salty by putting in a teaspoon or two of table salt and stirring it around until its all dissolved.

Hook up a foot or so of electrical wire to each terminal on your 9 V battery.

Dip the wires into the salty water inside your glass, don't let the wires touch.

Bubbles will come up from the wires. The bubbles are hydrogen gas (H2) on one of the wires and oxygen (O2) on the other. Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of ordinary water (H2O). The electricity causes H2O to come apart as the two gases that create the bubbles. The salt in the water allows the electrical current to flow between the wires in the water.

2006-11-30 11:30:37 · answer #2 · answered by oldprof 7 · 0 0

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