in regards of soil contamination, this can occur for many reasons in just about any area anywhere in the world.
If you are concerned about it in regards of a large geographic area, check with the local authorities, as they will be aware of most known pockets and issues.
If you are concerned about a specific site, or smaller pocket of land, you are best to do soil testing of samples of soil from those specific locations.
In the yellow pages of any larger town you will find engineering companies that can and will, for a fee, do soil testing.
You will find contaminated sites in any town, to some degree, and dependent of your concerns and or fears, it may be advisable to do the complete the above suggested preventive research, however it is always possible that contamination seeps in and or on to your site, by way of ground water, creeks, and or actual dumping, so even at the best of times any one set of testing is picture in time and not a catch all complete solution.
Good luck
2006-12-01 02:41:20
answer #1
answered by peterpfann 3