what he really meant was , when yo' daddy find out, when he get through wit yo' *ss ,you gon' need a wheelchair. and don' NEVER EVER come back. LLH.
2006-11-29 17:49:02
answer #1
answered by ? 3
i can not take this heavily on account which you're evaluating joking on one group of people interior a race to joking on an entire race of people... this is an unfair comparrison... in case you regarded at comdey exterior of usa (YT has some) you may see how Blacks are portrayed in the media in different international places v. Whites no longer having that subject... So, we are getting joked on via every person and stereotyped, and additionally you desire to whinge that we gained't merely take it gently? gtfo
2016-12-29 16:57:09
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Its a line from the movie White Chicks. Its a stupid joke about being so well endowed that the woman temporarily looses feeling post-coital. Thus the wheelchair. I believe the character in the movie follows that line with "but don't worry... the feeling... will... come back". Oh man. If you have to use that line...
2006-11-29 17:50:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Its because most black men have big d*cks so thats y they say your gonna need a wheel chair cuz hes so big that once you have sex with him your not gonna be able to walk...therefore when u cant walk your gonna need a wheelchair
2006-11-29 17:35:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Black guys are suppose to have reallly huge pricks so.. I think you're getting the point. It's just a stereotype though.
2006-11-29 17:33:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Are you trying to find you a black man? Your question is in the wrong category.
2006-11-29 18:02:14
answer #6
answered by MR.D LOVE 3
how does any of ya'll know what a black man has. have you ever ****** one? well i have a that is so stereotypical. now italians have big dks and this if a known fact.
2006-11-30 10:19:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hey holajunkie, your proctologist called. He found your head! :-)
2006-11-29 19:12:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think you have a perverted sense of humor
2006-11-29 17:34:58
answer #9
answered by devora k 7
Well they can use thier catch phrases if they want... I have my own but everytime I use it I get called racist... blacks can use theirs against non-blacks but I can't use mine as a come-back.
"Once you go white, you know you're right"
2006-11-29 19:03:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous