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I have recently moved to a reasonably small town. I moved here with my Fiance for his job. However, there is no work in my field. The only thing here for me is retail and that is a long shot to say the least.

I have come up with an idea that I could help elderly and disabled individuals by doing things like their grocery shopping, running their errands, and even taking them to doctor's appt's etc. I would even be open to doing light house work or meal preparation.

I am not sure of the best way to get my name and idea out to people. I want to be taken seriously. I thought about the newspaper but, how likely is it that a person would contact a stranger through a newspaper? Please send me idea's on how I could make this work. Thanks

2006-11-29 15:38:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 answers

I have done and still do it. Take a course at a vocational center either for Patient Care/Home Health Aid/Certified Nurses Assistant. Also, need courses in Hiv/Aids, CPR (everyone), First Aid (everyone), and even Alzheimer's course for 3 hrs. Then- sign up with a Nursing Agency and go out for Patient Care. Also- you can apply with a rehab. center that rehab.s mentally retarded people, and learn as you go. Either way- it's enjoyable.

2006-11-29 15:50:22 · answer #1 · answered by regwoman123 4 · 0 0

Being that you are living in a very small town, the newspaper would be a great idea. Also you could post a notice at the local senior community center. And go to the local department of Job and Family Services Agency, they normally have a department for Geriatrics. They may have some open positions. And I would also suggest that you have references available. You could also look into doing STNA State Tested Nursing Assistance Work work, through one of the Home Health Aid Agencies in the area. This would be the job description you are describing. Good luck and God bless****

2006-11-29 15:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I think that a newspaper would be a good way to get your name out there. You should market yourself as a "compassionate, caring " woman, who is looking to help the elderly, or people with disabilities with the things you listed (you should list them in your ad), and also list the hours you are available. Maybe you could say something like "Compassionate, caring woman, looking to help (elderly, disabled), live as productively as possible. Will also assist in running errands and in doing housework.I will transport people into the community, and help them enjoy what life has to offer. I will also provide wonderful companionship. I have experience in human services and helping others,and have references available upon request.

2006-11-29 15:46:55 · answer #3 · answered by Jeffrey S 6 · 0 0

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