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The sequence is 1, 2, 4, 9, 16, 25~~~
It seems (n-1) ² does not work.

2006-11-29 14:56:33 · 2 answers · asked by steven08zl 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

The sequence is 1, 2, 4, 9, 16, 25~~~
It seems (n-1) ² does not work

This is a question in an entrance paper for 15+ senior school student

2006-11-29 15:24:45 · update #1

2 answers

1/30 n^5 - 5/8 n^4 + 53/12 n^3 -107/8 n^2 + 371/20 n - 8 works.

I don't think you'll find anything nicer.

2006-11-29 15:15:09 · answer #1 · answered by stephen m 4 · 0 0

a million) the series (7, 10 , 13 ,...........) is arithmetic series because of the fact T2-T1=10-7=3 & T3-T2=13-10=3 then T2-T1=T3-T2=3= consistent so that's an arithmetic series ,its the version of this A.S, its nth term is Tn=a+(n-a million)d a is the 1st term , n is style of words , d is the version Tn=7+(n-a million)*3=7+3n-3=3n+4 2)the series (8, eleven,14, ,17,................) is an arithmetic series series because of the fact T2-T1=eleven-8=3 & T3-T2=14-eleven =3 so that's an arithmetic series its nth term is Tn=a+(n-a million)d =8+(n-a million)*3=8+3n-3=3n+5

2016-10-13 09:59:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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