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A * [(B + C)(D - E) - F(G*H) ] / J = 10

Knowing that each variable is a unique, single-digit, nonzero number, and that C - B = 1, and H - G = 3, what is the number ABCDEFGHJ, where each letter is a digit? For example, if A = 4, B = 2, and C = 7, ABC would equal 427.

Anyone know the answer? Math is my worst subject and I need help!! :P

2006-11-29 13:58:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

3 answers? are you sure? I thought there was only one.

2006-11-29 14:10:19 · update #1

oh sorry it didnt appear right when I posted. Here: A * [(B + C)^(D - E) - F^(G*H) ] / J = 10

2006-11-29 14:20:54 · update #2

Alright, Ill plug it in and see if it works! Thanks a bunch! And btw, he/she was prolly working on the problem on the neopets site before they answered my question, lol. :P Thanks again.

2006-11-29 14:27:28 · update #3

3 answers

There are precisely three answers:

(slightly offtopic, how can you spend 30 minutes on a question that was asked 8 minutes before you answered ;) Just kidding.)

Try each one and check that it works :) Unless you didn't mean F(G*H) as F*(G*H), and meant the digit F followed by the answer G*H.. in which case I'll try solving it again. If you did mean it like that, there is indeed a unique answer:


Ahha, third question change. Now it becomes 256973148.

2006-11-29 14:08:52 · answer #1 · answered by stephen m 4 · 1 0

I know, right? I spent about 30 minutes trying to solve it! I got nothing. I would be glad to help, but, unfortunately can't. Sorry!

2006-11-29 22:05:33 · answer #2 · answered by Brandon 1 · 0 0

This is the third time that this question has been asked!?!?!

It's a tough one, too.

I'm taking it to work with me and asking my colleges to help me out on it.

But someone "did" crack this CHALLENGE Question.

So here's the answer. . .


ANSWER: ABCDEFGHJ = 25,693,148


2006-11-30 12:46:53 · answer #3 · answered by LovesMath 3 · 1 0

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